Yesterday morning, before the virtuoso performance for the ages, I had the mixed fortune to be, on the one hand, eating a hearty, greasy, and cholesterol-filled breakfast at the Portland (Oregon) Airport La Quinta, and on the other hand, doing so in (1) a broom closet and (2) facing a plasma screen television tuned to CNN on the day that Hillary RODHAM Clinton happened to be announcing her last-hurrah and manifestly doomed presidential candidacy.
The only saving grace about the latter was that at least the LQ staff had the volume turned down so that I didn't have to listen to the CNN anchor babe go through her cheer-leading motions, the sort of thing Obamedia viewers will have to endure for the next year or so until Elizabeth Warren and the Nutroots chase Her Nib out of the race once and for mercifully all.
But I still had to endure CNN's rotating Hillary pictorial inset on that 52" HD plasma screen while somehow managing to both finish my breakfast and keep down what I'd already ingested. If LQ had served bacon as opposed to a turd-like fleet of sausages plying a porcine grease ocean like Ohio-class "boomer" SLBM subs patrolling the seven seas, it wouldn't have been close, but it was touch and go there for a while because (1) I didn't have the channel-changer, and (2) CNN quite obviously felt obligated to treat the Empress's anti-news announcement like it was some sort of Major Event instead of the stale, futile anti-climax it really was.
It you had the grave misfortune of having been indentured into that audience, as I was, you will never again see such a display of unwitting pathos as unfolded twenty or so hours ago.
Only thing that suppresses my gag reflex is the anticipation of how vindicatorily satisfying the "See, I Told You So!" is going to be.
With an oceanic side order of porcine grease.
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