Demographics is destiny:
Over the coming four decades, Christianity will remain the world’s largest religious affiliation, but Islam will see a major increase that will make the two religions nearly equal in numbers by 2050….
If current fertility rates and youth populations continue to grow at their current rate, Muslims will make up 10% of Europe’s overall population by 2050.
Only 10%? Not a majority? Oh, yea of little faith, Pew.
Islam is expected to nearly match Christianity in the coming four decades as a result of a “comparatively youthful” population with high fertility rates.
If current trends continue, Muslims will outnumber Christians worldwide around 2070.
Sounds like Pew is rooting for that end, if you ask me.
Muslims worldwide are projected to see a 73% increase while Christians will rise about half that fast (35%). The world’s overall population is predicted to rise to 9.3 billion by 2050, also with a 35% rate of increase over the same time period.
In the United States, Christians will decline from more than three-quarters (78%) of the population to about two-thirds (66%) by 2050.
Muslims, “other religions” and those unaffiliated with religion....
Collectively known as Christophobes.
....will see the largest increases in North America. The religiously unaffiliated are expected to rise from 16% to more than one-quarter of the population, 26%. And by 2050, the U.S. will have more Muslims (2.1% of the general population) than people who identify as Jewish (1.4%).
Again with the pessimism. The folks at Pew obviously believe, and are rooting for, Muslims to be a majority here as well. I guess they're settling for cleansing Obamerikastan of its remaining Jewish population.
I put "Christians" in quotes in the headline because the non-Christian definition of "Christian" is, shall we say, less than entirely precise, much less accurate. True Christians are no less fertile, and pump out kids like a pez dispenser no less free-wheelingly, than Muslims do. "Christians" in the cultural sense do not, which accounts for the demographic trend for which Pew is hoping.
Which is another way of saying that Muslims already vastly outnumber true Christians, a trend that will be kept firmly in place by the latter's rabid enemies, by any means necessary.
Pity Pew didn't survey that.
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