Thursday, April 16, 2015

Obamilitary Increasingly Hostile To Christians

by JASmius

While, at the same time, the Obamilitary is rolling out the red crescent carpet for Muslims.  Fancy that:

There is an exodus of Christians from the military because of a "hostile work environment" that does not allow them to express their beliefs openly while others are discouraged from joining in the first place, say religious freedom advocates.

They point to a number of recent high-profile cases of military chaplains facing punishment for private religious counseling sessions, and say such cases could cause some with strong faith to reconsider joining the military.

"People of faith are going to stay away from the military," Michael Berry, senior counsel at the Liberty Institute, a Texas-based legal organization dedicated to defending religious liberty in America, told the Washington Times....

"I can't tell you how many moms and dads I've spoken to who say, 'my son or daughter wants to join the military, [but] in light of what you've described, I'm not sure I want to let them join the military anymore,' and I don't blame them. I would have serious reservations about my own kids joining," Berry said.

Again, nature abhors a vacuum, and that also applies to culture.  If you drive Jesus Christ and His followers out, the "temple" will not remain unoccupied for long, especially with a Caliph-in-Chief actively filling it up with the LORD's opposite number.

Exit question: We already have prima facie evidence of La Raza-oids in uniform; how many jihadists do you suppose the "son of a Shiite Muslim from Kenya" has signed up after six-plus years?

Bonus exit question: How long until Barack Obama applies for U.S. membership in the Arab League?

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