Thursday, April 16, 2015

Email of the Week: Our Nation's Only Solution is God

By Douglas V. Gibbs

This morning, a writer responded to Wednesday's Article I wrote about the court system titled:
Supreme Court's Supreme Problems

Douglas, Happy Thursday!

Douglas, on April 15th, you said: "Americans have lost a lot of faith in government because government has become too big. "

I disagree. I believe that the thinking citizens have lost faith/confidence in USA government at all levels from top to bottom because it does not operate with a high level of ethics and/or honor. 


Nothing will fix the country, nothing will fix the ignoring of, or the ignorance of the Constitution unless/until the electorate returns to the morality held by the majority of citizens who existed at the time when the founders created it.


It is not a political problem.

It is not a court problem.

it is not a judge problem

It is not a Constitution problem.

Douglas, fundamentally, it is a morality problem.

--Indeed, one of our Founders warned of this...that this nation needed a moral population/electorate and would otherwise fail.

And, the prideful, arrogant, lukewarmed, fearful, clueless, spineless and idolatrous so-called 'Christian leaders' are the reason that the electorate will not, generally, return to that needed morality.

--For all our sakes....May God turn their hearts and souls to only His desires for them and for all others: full cooperation with Him in earnestly learning how to live in obedience/holiness/righteousness.


My response is below:


You are correct. Of course, when I said that America has lost confidence because of the size of government, that is not the end of that conversation. Big Government is the product we face as a result of no longer being a virtuous society, among other things. If I was to write about every single intricate part of the problem in that article, I'd be finished with another book.

That said, a quote I use often is by Benjamin Franklin. He said, "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom."

John Adams said, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

So, I would say that this is all tied into being a political problem, a court problem, a judge problem, and a constitutional problem, but, as you have pointed out, all of those problems have arisen because we fail to follow a moral compass established by the Creator, and the Grantor of our rights. That is why right now my Constitution Association group is working on a church outreach program. As I have told my core leaders, without the churches, and the congregations, working with us in this war for the soul of America, we will lose it.

Yours is a very astute observation, and you are correct. This truth was simply not in the article you are referring to because it was not directly related to the point I was trying to make. Thank you for your readership (and listenership, I hope), and I appreciate the correspondence from you. Your passion is evident in the email's text. Thanks for fighting the good fight, and resisting evil at this time of great disobedience.


Douglas V. Gibbs
Constitution Radio, KMET AM1490 beginning May 2
Conservative Voice Radio, KMET AM1490
Author, 25 Myths of the United States Constitution, The Basic Constitution, and Silenced Screams
Publisher, Table Top News
President, Constitution Association

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