Thursday, May 07, 2015

A Winning Destruction

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Violence by design.  Ferguson.  Baltimore.  Garland.  History shows us that the way to conquer is to divide, to set groups against each other, and to crumble the foundation of society from within.  All of the tools are in place.  After more than a century of merciless onslaught by the radical left, they are ready to shove into place the final elements needed to destroy the American System, and erect a system in their own image that the Founding Fathers would have never approved of, and actively warned against.

In Baltimore, Black Nationalists willing and ready to do the bidding of the hard left Democrat Party sit in the Office of the Mayor, and occupies the Office of the State Attorney.  These people approve of tearing down law and order, and instigating mob rule.  Tear it down.  Burn it down.  Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake gave her blessing to the rioters, verbalizing that she was giving them "space to destroy."  State Attorney Marilyn Mosby filed charges against six Baltimore cops, the ones connected to Freddie Gray's death (of which it is beginning to look like he caused his own injuries that led to his death).  The religion of division, and the stranglehold the hard left has on these poor people, is so great that they are seeking ways to create violence, seeking excuses to burn down their own neighborhoods, and are now even killing themselves to make it happen.  Then, the Democrats come in and blame their opposition for daring to make these poor people mad, telling us that the black community is somehow not responsible enough to maintain their anger, or be civilized; that they are like children that must be treated with kid gloves or else they may throw a temper-tantrum that is so severe it results in the destruction of private property.

The uninformed voters, and the minority voters that fall for this garbage, are simply pawns, and they can't see it.  They are being fed lies about racism in America, and police brutality against blacks by white cops, and they believe it, and then they willingly participate in the destruction of our society so that the left can use it to bring about tyranny.

But it doesn't matter to these people that have been trained to be angry.  They don't care about the facts, and they don't care if what they are doing is idiotic.  They have been taught by over a century of progressive propaganda that all that matters is race, and for the Democrats all that matter is agenda.  Down with America, Down with White People, Down with what's best for our society.  If the Democrats can't force their agenda upon us legally, they will be glad to destroy what is in their way, and then build their socialist utopia on top of the rubble.

Equality in outcome now dominates over the concept of equality in opportunity.  Social Justice screams that a virtuous society is a failed society.  Doing what is right, or using the processes of law, is unacceptable.  Mob Rule must change it.  Tear it down.  Burn it all down.  Down with Morality.  Down with the American System.  Let's replace it with Black Nationalism, and teach the white privileged a lesson.

From Florida's Trayvon Martin to Ferguson's Michael Brown, an excuse to destroy is constantly being sought.  The unfair, authoritarian white cops and armed white-privilege monsters, are holding down black America, we are being told, and Martin and Brown are good examples.  Never mind that Trayvon Martin was beating the snot out of Zimmerman and the latter felt he had to defend himself, or that 18-year-old lovable Michael “big Mike” Brown had just finished strong-arm robbing a convenience store, and had actually attacked the cop that confronted him while high on dope.

Never mind the truth, that ruins the narrative.

Never mind the facts, or the results of investigations.  Just destroy, burn, and be angry.

Shut down white America.  All of it.  Destroy.

Tools.  Every one of the rioters are mindless tools being used by the powerful hard left Democrat Party to help bring about slavery.  Their rioting is a way of asking for tyranny, and facilitating the coming bondage that leftism has planned for America.  There are goals in the design, bigger plans, and it is being brought about through the age old tactic of "Divide and Conquer."

President Obama is adding to the madness, launching the "My Brother's Keeper Alliance" because, as he said, "There are consequences to indifference."  My Brother's Keeper?  That is a sickening misrepresentation of a biblical tale.  But what does Obama care what the truth is?  This is all about using race to divide the country, to brand minorities as petulant children who can't function without government running their lives because of what Obama considers to be, an oppressive white conservative enemy.

Soviet leaders told us that Americans would raise the red flag of socialism themselves, and surely it is happening.  The uninformed voters supporting the Obama regime are acting out in a manner that helps the cause, and thanks to a continuous dose of indoctrination of leftism in the schools, through the media, and in entertainment, most Americans now support the communist concept of a redistribution of wealth.  It doesn't matter if the facts show that the Obama White House is a disastrous mess, and that the economy is crumbling despite the manipulated numbers and reports they send our way.  They don't care.  The facts don't matter.  Only the agenda does.

Religious Freedoms are being taken away by the leftists pushing the homosexual agenda.  Health Care Freedoms are being taken away by the Affordable Care Act.  The National Defense Authorization Act is compromising rights covered by the 4th, 5th and 6th Amendments.  Islamic pressure and political correctness is wiping out Freedom of Speech and the Freedom of the Press.  The Democrats are actively seeking to eliminate the right to keep and bear arms with their gun control agenda.  Through Operation Jade Helm we are seeing the domestic deployment of troops, reminding us that the Founding Fathers called "standing armies" very dangerous.  Those that oppose the policies of President Obama and the Democrats are being labeled by the Department of Homeland Security potential "domestic terrorists" and domestic "enemy combatants."  Through the FCC's takeover of the internet, the information age is getting ready to become the government propaganda age.  President Obama has elevated the Presidency over Congress, and way above his beloved courts, establishing a system that more resembles a totalitarian dictatorship, than the republic our United States Constitution calls for, complete with three separate branches where the legislature is the stronger of the three, and a strict adherence to a concept called a Separation of Powers.  Common Core is in the process of being introduced to take away parental rights, and along with the subsidies for college, the leftists could care less about the parents, for they will eventually die off, but the children stand in the new camp.

The riots, the shootings in Garland, the power grabs, the indoctrinations, the fear, the threats, the collapsing economy and political correctness are all tools being used to kill liberty, to divide America, to conquer our system of freedom, and to eventually erect a communist utopia that the people will raise the red flag for themselves.

Welcome to Obama's America.  Conform, or feel the heat.  Riots.  Federalized Police.  Government Control over what we buy, and who we associate with.  Watch what you say, and if you dare stand against the liberal left, you will pay for it dearly.

Or, fight it.  Fight against it.  Refuse to comply, as Christian leaders have sworn to do if homosexuality is forced upon us by the Supreme Court.

As for me, if it stands against the Constitution, and it stands against God, I will not obey.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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