Oh, yeah, THIS will calm things down in the "City of Charm"....:
Remember what triggered the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles twenty-three years ago? Over-charging. Were the police officers who delivered his beat-down criminally liable? Absolutely. But they were charged with attempted murder, a ridiculous charge not remotely supported by the evidence, instead of assault, which the evidence did support. Make the charge fit the crime, and the cops in question would have been convicted, and that would have been the end of it. But no, the process just HAD to be politicized, and the defendants made an example of, more than a little figuratively blooded, gutted, and hung for lynching by the Black Klan, as well as, of course, hung around the "racist red" neck of an embattled GOP president (Bush41) desperately trying to win re-election at the time. And when the jury wouldn't get with the racist Democrat program and delivered acquittals instead, the verdict was twisted to mean "not guilty of beating Rodney King," and the riots were off and looting/burning/mugging/assaulting.
Here, in Marilyn Mosby's thunderous indictments, is an instant replay in the making. Misconduct in office, assault, and even manslaughter may or may not be ultimately supportable, but murder? That reeks of vengeful absurdity. And yet it is the charge that will get the most publicity, because it is the one designed to raise the expectations of the rioters that the State will do to the cops what the Maryland National Guard stopped them from doing: exacting blood revenge, not just on the defendants, but on "white America" in general. And if the jury doesn't play ball on every last count, but especially on the murder charge, it will trigger a raging uprising that will make this week's riots look like nap time at a narcolepsy clinic.
Precisely as it is designed to do. Unless Miss Mosby tampers with and stacks the jury sufficiently to guarantee the verdicts she's looking for. Because, after all, only members of the "right tribe" are entitled to "justice".
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