Seems reasonable. It's not like they can get a fair trial in the middle of a riot:
The lawyers for the six Baltimore police officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray filed a motion today asking that the trial be moved outside of the city.
They are claiming that the officers “cannot receive a fair and impartial trial,” the Baltimore Sun reported.
Megyn Kelly said that one of their primary complaints is against State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby, who they claim has an anti-cop bias. They also said she has prejudiced the case with some of her public statements and that she should recuse herself.
Which she won't.
Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano told Kelly that there are a number of problems concerning Mosby.
“The civil unrest that occurred makes it unlikely that these police officers could get a fair trial in the city of Baltimore, even if Mother Theresa [was] the prosecutor,” he said. “But instead, you have a prosecutor who acts and sounds like she’s a political candidate for office.”
Which she is. The Freddie Gray incident takes place, the Baltimore riots erupt, Marilyn Mosby is an ambitious leftwing extremist and Black Klanswoman in a position to exploit the situation for her own political gain, Barbara Mikulski is retiring from the Senate next year. Those dots are not difficult to connect. Nor does the utter purposelessness (for Mrs. Mosby) of a trial that doesn't produce a preordained guilty-on-all-charges verdict prefigure any possibility that the six BPD officers will receive their Sixth Amendment right to "a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed".
However, Jazz Shaw makes a very insightful and dismaying point: Because of the vicious national media propagandizing about the Freddie Gray incident, the Baltimore Six receiving a fair jury trial may be impossible regardless of venue :
The change of venue request is not unexpected, but it also may not prove to be all that effective of a remedy. Napolitano is correct in calling out Mosby and the Mayor for turning this into a circus which looks increasingly like a nascent campaign for higher office, but simply bringing that factor to light doesn’t get us any closer to justice. The well of potential jurors in that county is likely so badly poisoned by this point that a fair and impartial finding could never be rendered. Unfortunately, the media has saturated the entire nation with wall-to-wall narrative spin about Freddie Gray and Marilyn Mosby to the point where a level field of play might be difficult to find anywhere.
Which suits her purposes quite nicely. For Marilyn Mosby, the Baltimore Six are a means to an end, not U.S. citizens with constitutional rights that would just get in her way. So only "Cardassian justice" will serve.
The only possibility of justice these cops have is to waive their right to a trial by jury and go straight for a bench trial and let a judge decide it, and thus to shop for their judge very, very carefully. And that possibility is a dim one since judges have been programmed by the Black Klan "police brutality" Narrative same as everybody else. But as it worked for Cleveland policeman Michael Brelo, it's probably their only option.
Not that Mrs. Mosby will allow it, you understand. But a hail Mary is better than nothing at all.
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