Thursday, May 28, 2015

Judging Obama Depends Upon Your Point of View

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Media outlet upon media outlet has attempted to navigate the waters regarding President Barack Obama's legacy, and how history will look upon him, and each time it turns out they are on the wrong waterway in the first place.  I am sure these well intentioned writers, as they try to make comparisons to other presidents, and how White House residents like Bill Clinton became more apt to compromise near the end to save his legacy, may actually believe some of the tripe they put out.  The reason for their confusion is not that they are not politically tuned to what is going on, or that they don't understand the complexities of politics.  In the case of any other President, these writers would be right on target.  Their failure is not in understanding a general sense of politics, and how politicians tend to react in various situations, but that they have their foundational understandings about who Barack Obama truly is all wrong.  Barack Obama is not seeking to ensure that his legacy looks favorable when historians look back upon his presidency from the point of view of what was best for America in a traditional sense.  Barack Obama's goals are not to leave the United States in a better economic position, or enjoying a better standing on the international stage, than when he arrived.  To be honest, those kinds of objectives stand contrary to what Obama really desires, and how he wishes history to look upon him.  Rather than have historians look back and say, "America was better off economically, and the citizens enjoyed more liberty, thanks to President Obama," Barry seeks a very different observation.  He wants historians to say, "Barack Obama was the president that finally dropped America to its knees, forcing the oppression of her history of prosperity to end, so that all nations may be equal.  Thanks to Barack Obama, the wealth of the United States was redistributed to other nations, and due to Obama's hard work, America finally became a socialist nation seeking the final utopia that humanity's evolution screams for.  Following Obama's presidency, the States ceased to believe they are sovereign, and the psychotic concept of individuality was finally eliminated.  True equity has been achieved, where the citizens work for the central government, give their allegiance to the worldwide caliphate, and honor no god above him (Messiah Obama).  Long live the history of heir Obama."

A recent New York Post article, "ISIS rises, the economy falters, and Obama's legacy falls apart," attempts to address the spectacle of Obama's legacy, indicating in the article that Barack Obama has voiced his desire to protect his post-presidential legacy.

The article begins with a reference to an interview Obama gave The Atlantic, to show that Barry is conscience of how history may view him.  “Look, 20 years from now, I’m still going to be around, God willing. If Iran has a nuclear weapon, it’s my name on this. I think it’s fair to say that in addition to our profound national-security interests, I have a personal interest in locking this down.”

John Podhoretz, the Post writer, comments that worrying about their legacy makes presidents eager to make the right decisions, but it can also lead them to make risky decisions.  In the case of Iran, Podhoretz is of the opinion that with his Iran negotiations, Obama has taken some risks.


Obama's deputy national security adviser, Ben Rhodes, when talking about Iran's nuclear program back in 2013, said, “Bottom line is, this is the best opportunity we’ve had to resolve the Iranian issue diplomatically … This is probably the biggest thing President Obama will do in his second term on foreign policy. This is health care for us, just to put it in context.”

The error in Mr. Rhodes' statement is even believing that the issue could be resolved diplomatically.  History has shown us time and time again that evil cannot be negotiated with, and evil does not work with those that they believe oppose them.  The Obama team may actually realize this, which would mean that it may be that they don't see Iran's leadership as evil, and that is why they are willing to negotiate with them.  That, and through negotiations they may actually be trying to help Iran along.

We are told they are trying to seek common ground with Iran.  The reality is, there is no common ground, be it America with Iran, or the Obama regime with American liberty.  Iran's behavior has not changed because it does not serve their interests to change their behavior.  Like Iran, Obama's behavior is not going to move toward the center, because from his point of view, he is right on track.  It is not in his interest to change his behavior.

With the chaos in the Middle East increasing, as a direct result of Obama's foreign policy of trying to treat the Muslim terrorists with kid-gloves, and refusing to take a harder stance in containing their madness, critics view the failure of the Arab Spring, the collapse of Libya, war in Syria and Iraq being waged by ISIS, Yemen's fall, Russian aggression, and North Korean saber rattling as marks against Obama's legacy.

Not according to Obama.  For him, everything is proceeding as planned.
Obama doesn't care if we trust him.  All he cares about is knocking the United States down a few notches, and being viewed through the rearview mirror of history as the guy that finally forced America into the fold of socialism, and Islam.

The writer at the New York Post observes, "For all of Obama’s posturing, he has done little to curb the nuclear ambitions of Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei."

He's not interested in curbing Iran's nuclear ambitions.  Like all players that support his idea of a world run by statists, Mr. Obama hates Israel almost as much as he hates Bible-thumping, gun-clinching conservatives, and he desires the elimination of Israel someday in the future.  What better way, in his opinion, to annihilate Israel than to let, and enable, Iran to nuke the Jews?

Domestically, things aren't much better, or couldn't be much more successful (depending upon your point of view).

ObamaCare is a failure.  Or is it?  It seems to be destroying the private market just fine, moving us towards universal medicine as originally desired by the leftists.

They keep telling us that the economy is fine, while we know it is in shambles.  While the unemployment rate is dropping in favor of Obama, in reality, using the standards we abandoned in 1995, the unemployment rate is actually 23% (which is right there with Great Depression levels).

So much for hope and change.  Americans love to hope, but they hope this change we've been experiencing changes soon.  Obama's hope and change was change nobody had hoped for.  If the media and the education industry remains in the hands of the leftists, however, the historians won't be saying that in the future.  It is likely they will view Obama just as the President wants, as the guy that finally forced America to be brought down to the level of the rest of the world. . . the president that ended American Exceptionalism.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Alternate Unemployment Reports - John Williams' Shadow Stats

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