If you've had the feeling, especially since last August, that cop-killing is on an upward spiral, then congratulations, you're a Jedi knight:
In early May, another NYPD officer, Brian Moore, was shot in the head while patrolling Queens Village in plain clothes. Moore is the fifth police officer to be shot in the city in as many months. As Jazz reported, two Mississippi officers were shot and killed over the weekend by a pair of Hattiesburg brothers. “This is one more tragic reminder of the dangerous job that police officers do in the cause of serving and protecting the public, holding back the tide of chaos,” he wrote.
If it seems to you like police deaths are on the rise, it’s not your imagination.
"Ah, that's just anecdotal evidence," pro-cop-killing Americans would scoff.
But this isn't, as even the Obama FBI has taken notice of this indisputably recent trend:
Preliminary statistics released today by the FBI show that fifty-one law enforcement officers were feloniously killed in the line of duty in 2014. This is an increase of almost 89% when compared to the twenty-seven officers killed in 2013. (Note: From 1980–2014, an average of sixty-four law enforcement officers have been feloniously killed per year. The 2013 total, twenty-seven, was the lowest during this thirty-five-year period.) By region, seventeen officers died as a result of criminal acts that occurred in the South, fourteen officers in the West, eight officers in the Midwest, eight in the Northeast, and four in Puerto Rico.
By circumstance, eleven officers died from injuries inflicted as a result of answering disturbance calls (one of which was a domestic disturbance). Ten officers were conducting traffic pursuits or stops, eight were killed as a result of ambushes (six due to entrapment/premeditated situations and two during unprovoked attacks), and six officers were investigating suspicious persons or circumstances. Five officers sustained fatal injuries while they were performing investigative activities, four while they were engaged in tactical situations, three officers were handling persons with mental illness, and one officer was slain during a drug-related matter. Three officers were killed while attempting other arrests.
Placed in its proper context, we can see that ex-Officer Darren Wilson's narrow escape from this fate was the exception to the rule. It's almost as if somebody has created an atmosphere that given certain demographics of society the green light that it's open season on police officers.
Somebody like Barack Obama. Somebody like Eric "The Red" Holder. Somebody like Loretta Lynch. Somebody like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.
Even white somebodies like New York communist Mayor Bill de Blasio:
In the New York City mayor’s latest budget proposal, de Blasio has rebuffed his own police commissioner and gutted funds for new officer recruitment. And the NYPD needs to recruit new members now more than ever. The number of people who applied to become police officers in the Big Apple declined by nearly 18% last year, “a drop that experts said is connected to intense criticism of officers after several fatal confrontations with unarmed black men in New York and nationwide,” AM New York reported.
A total of 12,286 people signed up for the test in 2014, down from 14,953 in 2013, according to the Department of Citywide Administrative Services. (The test was not offered for two weeks in November of last year.) And the number has been dropping since the city started keeping computerized records in 1996. [emphasis added]
Eminently logical. What incentive is there to become a member of "NYPD Blue" when you are going to be impeded from doing your job, blamed for the high-crime results, and smeared as a "racist" if you try to do your job anyway? Besides getting the chance to work alongside Detective Jo Martinez, that is.....

And, of course, State prosecutors like Baltimore's infamous Marilyn Mosby, who actually showed up onstage at an "Avenge Freddie Gray" concert with Prince:
The audience spanned a wide range of ages and backgrounds, much like Prince’s fanbase. Many were surprised to see Baltimore’s State’s Attorney Marilyn J. Mosby invited on stage shortly after Prince began to perform around 9 p.m. A spokeswoman for Mosby — an avid Prince fan — said late Sunday the tickets were a Mother’s Day gift from her husband, Councilman Nick Mosby.
Earlier this month, some applauded Mosby as she announced charges for all six officers involved in the arrest of Freddie Gray. Prosecutors say he died after sustaining a spinal cord injury while in police custody. Mosby has faced criticism about rushing to her decision to charge the officers. Others have accused her of having a conflict of interest. She denies those claims…
[Prince] played the song [“Baltimore”] shortly after taking the stage, and invited Mosby to join him, where she waved to the crowd but didn’t offer remarks.
Allahpundit speculates as to what Mrs. Mosby will do if she comes to her senses and realizes how outrageously she's overcharged "the Baltimore Six". But if that were remotely possible, would she have taken the stage to receive a standing ovation after Prince performed a song, among whose lyrics was, "If there aren't no justice then there ain't peace"? Is that not an act of idolatrous preemptive jury-tampering?
Obama, Holder, Lynch, Sharpton, Jackson, De Blasio, Mosby - the common thread slogan seems to be, "The only good cop is a dead cop".
Or at least, cops that are not under The One's direct control....
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