Even without their goddess Fauxcahontas in the race, Democrats are chafing in their 2016 Hillary trap, and are starting to break free:
Since Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, an independent who caucuses with the Democrats but [is honest about his socialism], began surging in the 2016 presidential polls in New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton’s surrogates have gone on the attack, a sure sign that they’re concerned.
"When your opponents and people who represent them wade into the conversation with attacks against you, for us it’s a recognition of the fact that something must be working," Sanders’s senior adviser Tad Devine told the Hill. "It’s a basic rule in politics that you don’t attack somebody if they are not doing well."
A new CNN/WMUR New Hampshire Primary poll puts [Mrs.] Clinton with just an eight-point lead over Sanders in the Granite State, a sharp contrast from May when [Mrs.] Clinton enjoyed 51% to Sanders’s 13%. In the latest poll, [Mrs.] Clinton dropped to 43% and Sanders jumped to 35%.
She's lost a sixth of the support she had, and a third of Donk undecideds have opted for Weekend Bernie. In one month.
But La Clinton Nostra can rationalize that "It's early" and "Sanders is from right next door in Vermont, so that's just 'favorite son-ism'". And there'd be a case to be made for that.
But not this:
Other recent Iowa polls, including a Suffolk University poll and a Morning Consult survey, put Sanders within ten points and twelve points, respectively, of the former secretary of state, according to the Hill. [emphases added]
As is always the case, a single poll result this far out from any ballots being cast is has little or no significance. But multiple polls over time revealing an unmistakable trend do. And the truth is that in the first two nominating contests of the 2016 presidential race, Hillary Clinton is spiraling downward with just under seven months still to go. And while Clintonoids (even the ones trying to get back in the empress's good graces) are frantically trying to tear down Senator Sanders, the fact of the matter is that he doesn't have any strength to aggressively diminish. He's but a symbol of and vehicle for Mrs. Clinton's weakness and unpopularity within her own party. Indeed, by attacking this old commie geezer, Hillary and her minions are raising him up to her level as a legitimate contender. I believe "punching downward" is the operative phrase. And the Rodham campaign denouncing Sanders as "too liberal to get elected" - after Mrs. Clinton has been on a forced march leftward herself! - is hardly going to endear her to the Nutroots whom she has now snubbed and whose nominating votes she's still going to need.
For two and half years I've been saying the Hillary Clinton will not be the 2016 Democrat presidential nominee. With Elizabeth Warren refusing to challenge her, that assertion came into serious doubt. But now I'm starting to believe that it doesn't matter what leftwingnut lunatic opposes Her Nib, she's still going to fall.
And at the very least, the Kursk-like battle it will take for her to reach that balloon-and-confetti-drenched stage in Philadelphia a year from now will leave the Dems so riven and divided that closing ranks behind her will be extraordinarily difficult at best, and functionally impossible at worst.
Exit question: Too late for Fauxcahontas to do a cannonball-like entry into the race? The water appears to be exceedingly fine.
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