Friday, June 19, 2015

Nikki Haley & REAL Executive Leadership

by JASmius

Dylann "Storm" Roof is a mass murderer who committed his unspeakable acts for political and racist reasons.  He should be prosecuted, convicted on all nine counts of aggravated first degree murder, and sentenced to a firing squad comprised of the surviving members of the Emanuel AME Church using .45-caliber handguns.  After all, should the punishment not fit the crime?

Will that happen?  At least his execution?  We sure hope so.

Does this mitigate it?:

The man who shot and killed nine parishioners at a historically black church in Charleston, South Carolina, told police that he “almost didn’t go through with it because everyone was so nice to him,” sources told NBC News.

And yet Dylann Roof decided he had to “go through with his mission.”

Yes, they were nice to him.  He walked into Emanuel AME Church and, like true disciples of Jesus Christ, they welcomed him to their service and to join their Bible study.  Probably something he wasn't expecting, most likely because I'm guessing that he'd never seen the inside of a church in his entire misbegotten life.

But it didn't stop him from martyring nine of what could have become his brothers and sisters in Christ.  Heck, that realization - black people as his spiritual brothers and sisters - is probably what re-stiffened his murderous resolve.

It's poetically just, then, that this pause for consideration and introspection pretty much destroys any insanity defense at trial.  Will it come in handy in the sentencing phase?  Beats me why it would or should.  He still pre-meditatedly gunned down his victims in cold blood, reloading five times in the process.  "Almost not going through with it" is right up there with horseshoes and hand grenades.  He did it, and he should fry drift off to sleep for eternity.  Period.

Which brings us to the moral clarity and stand for individual, as opposed to collective, responsibility displayed by South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley:

People want something to blame for the shootings that claimed nine lives at Charleston's historic Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church this week, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley said Friday, but the truth is "there's a very evil kid out there that we need to blame."

"Now we want to start the healing process," Haley told Fox News' Fox & Friends, in response to a question about Barack Obama's statement Thursday on gun violence in connection with the killings.

Later, Haley appeared on the Today show where she called for alleged shooter Dylann Roof to get the maximum punishment.

“We will absolutely want him to have the death penalty,” Haley NBC's Savannah Guthrie on Today. Roof was the only person to blame, she said, "a person filled with hate."

"Once we get through healing process," she said, "I know there will be a lot of conversation."...

And, the Republican governor said, the "time right now is not right for South Carolina" to be having the gun control debate.

Precisely.  The bodies were still twitching at Emanuel AME Church when The One sprinted to the White House press room and launched into his same tiresome gun-grabbing sermon.  It was, and it's always, the same spiel: using a tragic event as justification for padding the Narrative and advancing the Agenda.  Using the dead as Weekend At Bernie's-esque pawns.  There can't even be a proprietous period of mourning and recovery allowed, because allowing the bereaving friends and relatives to grieve and bury their fallen loved ones would get in the way of exploiting the crisis.  And that simply cannot be allowed.

That's why Governor Haley is wrong from the Obamunist point of view.  For gun-confiscators and Second Amendment-haters, the time IS right now for South Carolina to be having the gun control debate, because playing on the shock and emotion of the moment to the preclusion of serious thought on one of the few leftwing issues on which the public has stubbornly remained resistant over the years is the only possibly viable means of ramming through their policy objective before anybody realizes what's being done.  Plus, c'mon, a white supremacist mowing down a black church congregation?  The Left will never get a better propaganda framing opportunity than that.

But allow time for emotions to settle and cognition to reemerge, and the public might become acquainted with certain inconvenient facts:

Early news reports claimed that Roof’s father had bought him the gun as a birthday present. Roof, though, has reportedly told cops that he bought the gun himself at a Charleston gun store, which makes his chatter at the time about “planning something” that much more credible...And which store sold him the gun? Federal law already makes it illegal for someone with felony charges pending against him to buy a gun; Roof was facing felony drug-possession charges from February. It would also be illegal under State law for Roof to have the gun on him at the church, notes David Harsanyi, unless he had a concealed-carry permit, which seems unlikely for a guy with a record. In fact, notes Harsanyi, “South Carolina law also prohibits drug addicts from obtaining or possessing firearms, and numerous news reports suggest Roof was likely addicted to both prescription and illegal narcotics.” Roof’s gun wasn’t an “assault weapon” either, writes Charles Cooke, and he didn’t use high-capacity magazines, the two feel-good measures most frequently touted by leftists as part of their gun-ban wishlist, so Obama’s post-Newtown plans wouldn’t have done anything more to stop this than the law already did. The law on the books should have prevented it. Roof apparently broke it. [emphases added]

Leftwing gun control is not about "public safety," it's about disarming the law-abiding citizenry for precisely the purposes that the Second Amendment was promulgated to prevent.  Dylann Roof is a criminal, breaking the law is the raison d'etere of criminals, and thus no gun control measure would have constrained him from his murderous rampage....short of total confiscation.  And neither Barack Obama nor any other gun-grabber give a tinker's damn about his victims - even Pastor Pinckney, whom O claims as a close friend - who are nothing more than means to a policy end.

Nikki Haley is a compassionate leader.  Barack Obama is a cruel, callous ghoul.  And Dylann Roof is guilty as sin.

Throw the switch.

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