Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Lavender Lobby Trumps The Black Klan

by JASmius

Now we shall see which top leftwingnut constituency rules the roost in the Obamunist pecking order.

Personally, I'm not betting on Reverend Owens and his friends:

The head of an organization of African-American pastors told Newsmax Saturday that Christians must oppose the Supreme Court's gay marriage ruling through civil disobedience because "you do something to get arrested to call attention to the injustice."

"I was in the civil rights movement, so I know how to do it" the Reverend Bill Owens, president of the Coalition of African-American Pastors (CAAP), said in an interview. "When we sat at the counters at restaurants, we knew we were going to be arrested. You do things to get arrested, to call attention to it.

"So many people were silent," he added. "The church people were absolutely silent on this issue. A few leaders spoke out, but the masses of the church people were silent."

When asked why people were unwilling to speak against President Barack Obama when he came out for gay marriage in 2012, Owens responded: "The whites didn't want to come out against Obama since he endorsed it so strongly and they didn't want to be called bigots — and the blacks didn't want to say they were betraying a black man.

"I came out very powerfully against Mr. Obama when he stood for same-sex marriage."

This actually poses some degree of risk for the homofascists.  If they go after Reverend Owens and his organization with the unfettered ferocity that is their trademark, denouncing them as "bigots" and "homophobes" who must be forced to do their sodomarital bidding, will they be seen as striking a blow against "anti-'gay' discrimination," or will they be seen as engaging in racism?  Or will they simply ignore the CAAP, isolate them and their actions and deny them the public platform they're seeking?  My money would be on the latter (if I had any money, that is).

But if that happens, it won't be from Reverend Owens' lack of trying.  And he's taking the long term perspective:

Despite the court's ruling, "I absolutely would not do a gay marriage," Owens declared. "Absolutely.

"I think of our children," Owens continued. He is the father of two young adopted children. "What it's going to do to our children. What kind of world are they going to grow up in?

"I've said for two years that we're going to have to have civil disobedience. They were very cunning in the way they did it," he said, referencing gay-rights advocates.

"Since I was in the civil rights movement, I know that if the people come together in force, things will happen. How they will happen, I don't know....

Owens reiterated his call for civil disobedience, acknowledging that "our work is cut out for us.

"It's going to be much harder, because we're going to have to go from State to State. It's going to be hard to do, but it can be done.

"Remember, blacks worked for three hundred years for civil rights in the courts. Three hundred long years. It's not something that we're going to win overnight.

"There is no quick fix, but I think now the church will rise up," Owens added. "All the Christian churches in the United States that believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, they need to rise up."...

"We're asking people to rise up and be ready to go to jail," Owens told Newsmax. "Why go to jail? To let it be known that we will not bow down, we will not give up, whatever the costs.

"It’s the new civil rights movement, because they are taking away our rights. They are taking away the Christian's rights. This is just a start.

Absolutely spot on.

Ironic that the Gaystapo may have inadvertently found the means of American racial reconciliation despite the racist agitating of Barack Obama and the Black Klan.  Bill Owens is certainly my courageous brother in Christ.

Is he yours?

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