Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Why Isn't Elizabeth Warren Running For President?

by JASmius

Perhaps you could call this "Jazz-mius Echo Syndrome":

Every time I see yet another story like this one I keep asking myself the same question: why isn’t Liz Warren running for president? I mean, if she’s willing to basically go on the attack against Hillary Clinton (not to mention Bill Clinton and Barack Obama) more so than anyone who is actually running for office, why not do it? She’s losing friends fast among the Democrat elite in Washington and gaining a following among the base that should be the envy of anyone else in her party. And if she’s that unhappy with the direction the Democrats are taking, wouldn’t a true leader step up to the plate and try to directly steer them down a different path?....

Warren also remains largely scandal free in the eyes of the Left. (I doubt any of them care about her bogus claims of minority status as long as she’s singing the correct policy tunes.) If Bernie Sanders, of all people, can actually make inroads against Hillary in the polling game, doesn’t that signal enough weakness to tempt Warren toward a late entry into the race?

You're singing in my choir, Mr. Shaw.  I don't get it, either.  Unless Fauxcahontas doesn't actually believe a word she's saying and really is all in for the Empress, but if that were the case, why would she be saying what she continues to stridently say when she's making no move to politically exploit it?  Wouldn't it be easier for her to simply put on a "Ready for Hillary! 2016" button and be done with it?

It is sure to wind up, in the minds of the Nutroots, one of the great missed opportunities, as they go down to crushing defeat-by-default with Mrs. Clinton (the one item on which Mr. Shaw has not gotten onboard) when they could have had the shining "progressive" bridge to the Julian Castro dynasty.  I say "in their minds" because Senator Warren would lose next November by scarcely any smaller a margin than would Hillary.  But she would energize the Dems, which Her Nib will never do, and would motivate them for the next time.  After a Rodham landslide debacle, the Democrat Party may be riven for years.

It is reminiscent of what Odin (Loki in disguise) says to Thor at the end of Thor II: The Dark World: "One son who wanted the throne too much; the other son who will not take it."

The Dems will meet their electoral Ragnarok in 496 days.

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