Checking off the last, um, "box":
Pentagon leaders are finalizing plans aimed at lifting the ban on transgender individuals in the military, with the goal of formally ending one of the last gender- or sexuality-based barriers to military service, senior U.S. officials told the Associated Press.
An announcement is expected this week, and the services would have six months to assess the impact of the change and work out the details, the officials said Monday.
i.e. Make up plausible-sounding spin for why it will be all upside and no downside, even though, as with openly homosexual servicepeople, it cannot help but have a severely negative impact by destroying unit cohesion and esprit de corps. Which suggests the other "impact assessment," of further degrading combat readiness in favor of perverted "social" engineering in order to complete the "fundamental transformation" of the U.S. armed forces from the mightiest military machine on the planet into a potemkin khakied freak show.
Military chiefs wanted time to methodically work through the legal, medical and administrative issues and develop training to ease any transition, and senior leaders believed six months would be sufficient.
i.e. It'll take six months to finish driving any remaining Christians out of active military service.
During that time, transgender individuals would still not be able to join the military, but any decisions to force out those already serving would be referred to the Pentagon's acting undersecretary for personnel, the officials said. One senior official said the goal was to avoid forcing any transgender service members to leave during that time.
The only goal they'll actually accomplish, because it's the only one they care about.
Next on the Obamagon's agenda: rainbow battle tanks (without guns, of course)....
....pink submarines (without missiles and torpedoes, of course)....
....and new all-service, cross-gender (whatever that term is even supposed to mean anymore) duty uniforms.
Remember this faux magazine cover from over thirty years ago?:
"Newsworld" had no idea.
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