Pope Francis lays a Cleveland Steamer on capitalism; Behold, the Vast Leftwing Conspiracy and its many levels; ISIS bombs Italian consulate in Cairo; Ali Khamanei delcares that, nuclear agreement or no nuclear agreement, Iran's war against America will continue to its fiery conclusion; Earth is facing a sun-driven mini-Ice Age that greenstremists will, of course, blame on anthropogenic global warming; Alexis Tsipras's appeasement not enough for Greece's E.U. creditors, but they cave to Athens anyway; Donald Trump's faux illegal immigration haranguing reaches levels of absurdity only a Tea Partier could fail to recognize; and Scott Walker finally declares, and not a moment too soon, as as the commumedia complex runs out of even blank ammunition.
Speaking to ears that will not listen at 6PM Eastern/3PM Pacific.
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