Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Did Russia Shoot Down Flight MH17?

by JASmius

Remember over a year ago when Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was shot down under "mysterious circumstances" squarely over the Russian-Ukrainian war zone?  Remember how the evidence of Russian culpability was so overwhelming that even the Obama Regime had to pretend to take notice of it and issue empty, blustering demands that Putin apologize for this "accident"?  And remember everything we've heard about the incident since?

Well, now there's even more evidence that Putin's forces shot down Flight MH-17:

Investigators probing the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 said Tuesday they had found fragments "probably" from a Russian-made BUK missile at the crash site in eastern Ukraine.

International and Dutch investigators are examining seven "considerable fragments of some size... probably from a BUK (surface-to-air) missile system," said Dutch public prosecutor Fred Westerbeke.

A joint statement from prosecutors and the Dutch Safety Board (OVV) said the fragments were "secured during a previous recovery mission (at the crash site) in eastern Ukraine and are in possession of the criminal investigation team and the Dutch Safety Board."

It's hard not to notice how passive the U.S. contingent has been in this investigation.  Because, of course, all the Obama White House cared about was making that initial crisis go away and blow over, which accounted for John Kerry making his spittle-flecked apology demand.  As I predicted at the time, Putin ignored it and the incident got buried in this interminable "investigation," such that even if anything comes to a head now, it won't become any sort or renewed headache for O short of a head-to-head military confrontation that The One will never instigate.  Leaving Czar Vlad with the leisurely time to select the next "Western spy planes" his "proxies" will blow to hell.

After all, he is behind schedule on that.

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