The scientific term for this phenomenon is "terminal velocity":
Many Democrats have long hoped that Hillary Clinton might expand Barack Obama‘s electoral coalition by drawing in more white women voters.
A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll suggests she may have a tough time pulling it off. Mrs. Clinton is losing ground with white women and many other important slices of the electorate, the poll shows, amid a spate of reports about her email practices, speaking fees and foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation.
In June, 44% of white women had a favorable view of Mrs. Clinton, compared to 43% who didn’t. In July, those numbers moved in the wrong direction for Mrs. Clinton: Only 34% of white women saw her in a positive light, compared to 53% who had a negative impression of her, the poll found. [emphasis added]
Last I checked, Mrs. Clinton IS a white woman. Barack Obama could cook and eat his children on live national television and his percentage support among black Americans wouldn't drop below quadruple digits. And note that there's no drifting off into the undecided category here; this is ten percent of white women who liked Hillary before deciding they don't like her anymore as a direct result of all her corruption and scandal baggage, and really, anything that increases her public visibility.
People simply do not like Hillary Clinton. And that makes it awfully difficult to sell an abstract, idealized image of her....
....when she actually has to campaign.
Unfortunately for the Empress, her travails distend far beyond "people who look and used to bleed" like her:
From close to even among independents to 27/52. From a 3-2 favorable margin among whippersnappers to break-even. And a decline among black voters from 81/3 to 66/15.
Devastating. Simply devastating. No wonder Democrats are drafting Granola geezers and closet Jewish comedians and dirty old men who like to go streaking at Stonehenge like Kyle Reece and Sarah Connor hurling obstacles at the T-800. The Hillary Trap is closing in like the walls of the Death Star trash compactor....
....and nutrooters know it.
This is why I say that the 2016 campaign is going to be the dirtiest, filthiest, most despicably disgusting scorched-earth nuclear war in American political history from the Democrat side, as well as within it. Hillary Clinton has no political skills, she isn't likable, she's VERY hateable, her popularity is inversely proportional to her visibility. She, in fact, has one political asset and one political asset only: Her personal destruction machine. She can't make anybody like her, she can't inspire anybody to vote for her, so she will, of necessity and gleeful preference, try to make voters hate her opponents even more than they hate her, so turn off independents that they stay home and vomit uncontrollably, and win a sparse-turnout base election.
First it'll be Weekend Bernie and Slow Joe. Eventually it'll be Scott Walker. But throughout it all, she will launch every missile, detonate every nuke, fire every phaser bank and photon, quantum, and transphasic torpedo, until, in the words of Admiral Hanson: "Either they survive or we do".
And then she'll deploy her secret weapon....
...and it'll be all over.
Or at least, that's her plan. It's always possible that she'll hit the polling ground before she can throw it into motion.
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