Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Is Hillary Really "Out Of Options" On Emailgate?

by JASmius

Hard for me to see it.  A lot of top Republicans are insisting that point today, but they're not saying how or why, and I'm flummoxed to come up with a plausible scenario that puts her in the ol' orange pantsuit:

Republicans are in an uproar after news broke that two of the classified emails found on Hillary Clinton's email server were "Top Secret."...

Hillary Clinton has since told her aides to give the Justice Department the server, along with a thumb drive that contained copies of the emails, according to the New York Times.

Which she would not have done after stonewalling GOP demands to turn it over for over five months if the server wasn't scoured of any incriminating evidence.  Remember, La Clinton Nostra doesn't make mistakes, unless Mr. Bill ever "took" his secretary on top of it.

House Speaker John Boehner said "it's about time" [Mrs.] Clinton handed over the server, according to NBC News.

"Secretary Clinton's previous statements that she possessed no classified information were patently untrue," Boehner said. "Her mishandling of classified information must be fully investigated."

By, of necessity, the Obama Commissariat of Injustice, Revenge & Coverups.  Does that stoke your confidence, Mr. Speaker?  I can't say I'm too awfully excited at the prospect.

Representative Trey Gowdy....said the information represented a "serious national security issue," NBC News reported.

"The revelation that Secretary Clinton exclusively used private email for official public business, and the multitude of issues that emanated from her decision, including this most recent one, demonstrates what can happen when Congress and those equally committed to exposing the truth, doggedly pursue facts and follow them," he said, according to NBC News.

And what has happened, Mr. Chairman?  She's turned over a blank server, on which the FBI will find not a speck of "dirt," which is why she turned it over.  The truth hasn't been exposed, it's been buried deeper than a continental subduction zone.

And even if it had?  Well....

And the Republican National Committee also weighed in on the issue.

"All this means is that Hillary Clinton, in the face of FBI scrutiny, has decided she has run out of options," Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said in a statement, according to USA Today. "She knows she did something wrong and has run out of ways to cover it up."

Does she?  In Hillary Clinton's mind, there's no such thing as "doing something wrong," because she's Hillary Rodham Clinton, she's above the law, and she's entitled to do anything she damn well pleases.  As to "running out of ways to cover it up," there's no such thing, Mr. Priebus.  It's already been covered up, at least as far as any criminal prosecution being initiated, much less one that could put her in legal jeopardy.

Yes, I know about 18 US Code 793 and 18 US Code 1924.  Yes, I know that each count of violating the former can reach a maximum of ten years in jail, meaning that, assuming sixty thousand total emails illegally flowing through, with ten percent of them containing classified material and information, Mrs. Clinton could theoretically wind up in the slammer for sixty thousand years.  I also know that, as I have pointed out before, even retired General and ex-CIA Director David Petraeus - an enemy and pawn of the Obama Regime - though criminally prosecuted for violating these statutes, didn't serve any jail time.  And while Team Messiah has no love lost for La Clinton Nostra by any means, the latter has vastly more resources than General/Director Petraeus did.

The Clintons, in short, ALWAYS have options.  And they never get caught.  At least not red-handed.

Again, where Emailgate hits Mrs. Clinton is not criminally, but politically.  That's the only premise I can see on which the Obama DOJ might press ahead with a criminal investigation, to finish off her perpetual campaign for the Democrat presidential nomination and open the door for the next "Great Brown Hope" to ride to the rescue.

Remember the Uhura Protocol, my fellow Republicans: "Be careful what you wish may get it".

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