It stands to reason that if illegal black market baby organ harvesting is such big business for Planned Parenthood, they must have quotas for their "technicians" to fill. And given that they slaughter unborn children on an industrial scale, those quotas must be huge, and therefore a great deal of corresponding pressure must be placed upon "technicians" to fill those quotas - no matter what it takes.
This is the topic of the sixth installment of the Planned Parenthood Cannibalism series, where we learn that just as unborn babies are considered "raw materials," their so-to-be ex-mothers are regarded as little more than incubators and tissue "containers," whose consent is neither wanted nor practically needed, even though it's supposedly legally required:
Holly O’Donnell, a former StemExpress procurement technician, discusses the industrial process of abortions and the lack of care shown to the patients. More problematic for Planned Parenthood, O’Donnell explains that she has witnessed clinics not getting consent before harvesting blood and organs, despite the organization’s insistence that women are fully informed before procuring human organs and tissues from their abortions.
The "gestation tracking log" is a nice macabre touch, no? The later in pregnancy a child is, the less likely a "patient" is to be asked for her consent to have her baby scattered to the four medical experimentation winds, and the more likely it becomes that "technicians" will do so even if the "patient" has expressly forbid them to do so:
In one case O’Donnell recalls, a late-term mother refused consent, which O’Donnell explained to the other technician. “You have to make sure you get her,” O’Donnell’s colleague told her, but O’Donnell said she had refused consent. That didn’t stop the technician, however. “If there was a higher gestation, and the technicians needed it, there were times when they would just take what they wanted. And these mothers don’t know. And there’s no way they would know.” [emphasis added]
I seem to recall a phrase that abortion supporters used to like to toss around promiscuously; something about "a woman's right to choose". Doesn't sound to me like PP's "patients" get much of a choice at all, anywhere in this grisly process. Whatever personal mistakes they've made to wind up pregnant in a difficult situation, they get lured into Planned Parenthood, bulldozed into terminating their pregnancies, and their babies are shipped off to be incorporated into the Skynet T-800 living tissue factories with or without their knowledge or permission. It's like the women are incidental to the process; all that matters is maintaining the baby carcass stream to keep that river of illegal revenue flowing into Planned Parenthood's bank accounts.
I've got to hand it to the Center For Medical Progress; they are constructing a narrative so comprehensively devastating that at the very least, nobody will have any illusions about what Planned Parenthood stands for and is all about. And at best, it might eventually bring them down altogether.
I'll give my consent to that right now.
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