Friday, August 14, 2015

Kentucky Anti-Sodomarriage Rebellion

by JASmius

Ladies and gentlemen, this is not a "fighter" - THIS is a fighter:

A Kentucky clerk who defied a federal judge's order to issue marriage licenses and turned away four gay "couples" has until Monday to convince the judge to delay his mandate.

U.S. District Judge David L. Bunning rejected Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis' claim that her Christian faith should exempt her from issuing marriage licenses to homosexual "couples" and ordered her on Wednesday to hand out the licenses. But her office kept denying them.

Or "Judge Bunning has issued his ruling; now let him enforce it".  Because we will not comply.

As the attorneys for gay and straight couples seeking a license warned they could request that she be held in contempt, Bunning ordered Davis to submit a final plea to stay his decision by Monday.

The fight in this eastern Kentucky college town began soon after the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in June.

As expected.

Davis was among a handful of clerks across the country to cite her Christian beliefs and declare she would no longer hand out licenses to any couples, gay or straight.

Nothing discriminatory about that.  Indeed, not only can they not justifiably accuse her of "discrimination," but whether she realizes it or not, she's taking a constitutional stand to get government out of the marriage business altogether.

Legal experts have likened the case to the resistance some local officials in the South put up five decades ago after the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage.

No, actually, this case is emblematic of the new civil rights movement of our time - the fight for the Christian civil rights and First Amendment religious liberties that the Gaystapo and the SCOTUS have stolen from us.

"We're going to keep coming back," said Karen Roberts, shaking after she was denied a license to marry April Miller, her "partner" of eleven years. "We're going to fight this to the very end."

Naturally.  Because, of course, you knew Miss Davis was a Christian and deliberately targeted her for professional and economic and legal destruction, just like Christian bakers, photographers, justices of the peace, etc.

"Kim Davis is just an example of what's going to be happening not only to other clerks but to other people who are going to be confronted with this issue and we think that this is a serious matter that needs to be decided by a higher court, even the Supreme Court," Liberty Counsel founder Mathew Staver said.

Except, of course, that the SCOTUS has already unconstitutionally and tyrannically decided.  Which is why trying to fight this battle in the courts, if it ever made any sense previously, is now an unequivocal fool's errand.

The couples said the Supreme Court already decided the issue when it [impose]d [homosexual] "marriage" in June. That day, Democrat Governor Steve Beshear told the clerks to issue licenses or resign.

That is what it's going to come down to, ultimately.  Either resignation or flat-out civil disobedience.  Because the courts, if they ever were, are no longer any refuge of justice, but rather another arm of the Lavender Lobby juggarnaut.

A number objected. Lawrence County Clerk Chris Jobe, president of the Kentucky Clerks Association, has said nearly sixty of the state's 120 clerks pledged to send a letter to Beshear, asking that he call a special session to find a way to accommodate their faiths.

You wouldn't think that would be such a difficult thing to do, would you?  I mean, what is the point of all this?  To enable queers to "wed," or to force Christians to deny Christ and bow down to Sodom by participating in it?  Not that we didn't already have our answer a long, long time ago.

Bunning said in his ruling Wednesday that Davis has likely violated the Constitution's protection against the establishment of a religion by "openly adopting a policy that promotes her own religious convictions at the expenses of others."

Actually, it's just the opposite, Judge; it is you who are violating the Constitution's protection of the free exercise of religion by denying Miss Davis the right of respect for her religious convictions and conscience.  Again, there are clerks who are willing to issue "marriage" licenses to the sexually retrograde; there is no reason or justification to force Christian clerks to do so.  Why can they not simply be excused from doing so?  How does that "damage" homosexual "couples"?

"Davis remains free to practice her Apostolic Christian beliefs," Bunning wrote.

The hell she does.

"She may continue to attend church twice a week, participate in Bible Study and minister to female inmates at the Rowan County Jail."

Really?  Gee, how generous of you, Judge.  Until, of course, you decree that she can't do any of these things either, because they "offend" homosexuals as well.

She is even free to believe that marriage is a union between one man and one woman, as many Americans do.

Oh, no, she - and we - are not.  We're not.   "We are all homosexuals now," Judge.  Justice Kennedy so commanded it.

"However, her religious convictions cannot excuse her from performing the duties that she took an oath to perform as Rowan County Clerk."

Oh, yes, they can, and oh, yes, they do, no matter what twisted, contorted interpretation of the First Amendment you try to foist on Miss Davis and the rest of us.  Because, as Peter and John once told the Sanhedrin:

But Peter and John answered and said to them, “Whether it is right in the sight of God to give heed to you rather than to God, you be the judge; for we cannot stop speaking about what we have seen and heard.”

We, in other words, will not comply.

But there will be a cost, and a steep one.

Judge Bunning will make sure of it.

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