Saturday, August 15, 2015

Police Timidity = Dead Cops

by JASmius

The good news?  This white Alabama police detective wasn't murdered by his black criminal.  In fact, that part is downright flabbergasting.  The bad news?  How and why he put himself in such physical peril in the first place:

An Alabama police detective is pistol whipped with his own gun. He says the coverage of deadly police shootings across America is partly to blame.

The police detective says he chose not to use force against a man attacking him because he didn’t want to be another headline. The brutal beating occurred during a routine traffic stop.

Because being smeared as a "racist" has now officially become a fate worse than death itself.

Take a look at this narrative and tell me how many more times this is likely to happen.  Here's a hint: the number is not small:

The detective, a six-year veteran, noticed a man driving on the interstate erratically. So he pulls the car over.

So the white detective was NOT "profiling".

The two end up in a parking lot when the detective calls for back-up. It’s during this time, according to police, the suspect gets out of his car and gets aggressive with the officer.

Note that the white detective did not provoke the black criminal in any way.

Instead of following policy to try to get the man back in the car, the officer says he hesitates. It’s just enough time police say for thirty-four-year-old Janard Cunningham to sucker punch the officer, knocking him unconscious. He then allegedly takes the officer’s gun....

Which Michael Brown was, blessedly, not able to do because Darrin Wilson did not hestitate.

....and uses it to pistol whip him.

I wonder why Mr. Cunningham didn't shoot the white detective like Colonel Stryker did Wolverine....

....I'm genuinely curious.  It's not like the #FDAPOLICE #BlackLivesMatter crowd to show mercy.

Adding insult to injury, witnesses do nothing to help.

Of course, not.  Because they were mostly or all black criminals too, no doubt.

Instead, some post images of the attack on social media, bragging about it.

“Pistol whipped his ass to sleep,” One user wrote, employing the hashtag #FDAPOLICE.

Another mockingly offered the officer “milk and cookies” for his “nap time.”

So, then, this is what Barack Obama's anti-white racism has wrought: frightened law enforcement officers not allowed to enforce the law or even defend themselves, terrified of a word and what will be done to their careers, their livelihoods, and their families if they actually do their jobs or even physically defend their own lives.  And, of course, runaway crime sprees in every American city, burgeoning civil unrest, building towards national insurrection - with the "First Black President" presiding, head-noddingly and smirkingly, over it all.

Bob Owens at Bearing Arms delivers the punchline:

This is the world that the criminal-coddling, police-hating [Oba]media hath wrought…

There’s no small amount of irony in CNN reporting this story, and the attack’s callous aftermath, which saw sick criminal supporters take mocking photos of the unconscious officer instead of attempting to help him. After all, they’ve done so much to fan the flames of [racist] discord that have bought us to this point, with their serially dishonest portrayal of lawful self-defense shootings by police officers and citizens alike…

Violence is a tool of last resort, but once it must be employed, no other tool will suffice. When good people are denied the use of this tool due to absurd, illogical, and extreme political correctness, civil societies fall.

aka Obama's endgame.

We have let the radical [communist]s of the [Oba]media control the narrative and the culture for too long.

Okay, I have to differ with you on that one, Bob - you talk as if we ever had a choice in the matter.  We didn't "let" the radical communist Obamedia control the narrative and the culture - we voted away our say almost seven years ago.  What makes you think we'll ever get it back?  You can count on the Black Klan never taking their boots off of OUR necks.

Trying to extricate our vital extremities would be "racist," y'know.

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