Saturday, August 15, 2015

California Bans Alien

by JASmius

No, not THAT kind of alien, and sure as hell not illegal aliens.  The last thing Governor Moonbeam needs is to get on the bleep lists of Ridley Scott, Signourny Weaver AND Barack Obama.

No, he and Gollyfornia Donks banned the WORD alien.  Because, as we all know, euphemisms determine reality:

California Governor Jerry Brown, succumbing to the forces of political correctness, signed a bill into law on August 10th that bans the word “alien” from the Golden State’s labor laws. The measure, SB 432, notes that “Existing law defines ‘alien’ as any person who is not a born or fully naturalized citizen of the United States.”

So what are Californians now supposed to call such people?  "UnAmericans"?

The casual reader might be inclined to think “So what?” However, the author of the bill, Senator Tony Mendoza (D-Artesia), thought the long-used and readily understood term had to go. It continued:

This bill would repeal this definition of “alien” and the provision requiring those preferences to be applied to the extension of public works employment during periods of unemployment in the state.

This being California, which few would claim is averse to “progressive” thinking, the bill passed the State Senate unanimously....

Breitbart quoted a statement from Tim Paulson, executive director of the San Francisco Labor Council, who told the Chronicle: “The word ‘alien’ has incredibly racist and un-American connotations.”

Note that Mr. Paulson made that statement in evident obliviousness of the toe-curling irony of his words.  Which is another way of saying that when Reconquistas finally become the majority in Mexifornia and "born or naturalized U.S. citizens" become the minority, the term "alien" will be restored with great fanfare, because then it will no longer be "incredibly racist and unAmerican".

UnMexican, perhaps, but then that will be the pretext for deporting all Anglos from California.

UPDATE: What do California Democrats have against aliens, anyway?  After all, they prevented a U.S.-Soviet nuclear war, didn't they....?

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