Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Bernie Sanders Still Leading Hillary Clinton In New Hampshire By Double-Figures

by JASmius

I told you, dear readers, that Mrs. Clinton (1) isn't the "Democrat frontrunner" and (2) still fears Bernie Sanders - and with damn good reason:

Bernie Sanders is the Democrat presidential front-runner in New Hampshire, holding a ten-point lead over Hillary Clinton, a new survey shows.

The CNN/WMUR survey of 954 Granite State voters released on Wednesday provided this breakdown:

Sanders: 50%.
[Mrs.] Clinton: 40%.
Martin O'Malley: 1%.

Sanders led [Mrs.] Clinton in the last survey in September — and the top two candidates finished stronger in Wednesday's showing, with the former [Commissar] of State ending ten points higher.

But Weekend Bernie now commands a majority.  It's like running up a big third quarter lead and then holding off a fourth-quarter comeback.  You just run out the clock before the other team can catch or pass you.

And remember that, to the extent that one or the other of the first two State contests are bellwethers, it's New Hampshire, not Iowa.

To reiterate what I wrote about the Rodham-Sanders race three months ago:

The fact is, as I reiterate yet again, that Hillary Clinton is a grating, hateful, obnoxious shrew, a godawful candidate of abysmal proportions, and the figurative scandal object shackled to her ankle in the above pic ought to be the size of an ocean liner. All of the above has gotten so egregious and ridiculous that it isn't as if even the house propaganda organ of the Democrat Party can embargo that reality, or make themselves look escalatingly foolish by faithfully regurgitating her fantastist delusions of alternate reality grandeur. And it's no defense of the Times to point that out.

And now Benghazigate has gotten orders of magnitude worse for her, too.

If Joe Biden had jumped into the Democrat primaries, the Empress would already be done.  As it is, she's going to be limping along, neck and neck, with Senator Sanders to the very last, bitter wheeze.

Should be a lot more fun to watch than our side of the track. <sigh>

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