Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Alabama Senate Special Election Aftermath

By Douglas V. Gibbs
AuthorSpeakerInstructorRadio Host

During the election in Alabama, I was teaching a Constitution Class in Southern California.  I switched on my computer, hooked up a projector, and had the returns showing on the screen as I taught the class.  By the end of the class the race was nearly even, with all of the red areas 100% in, and a few blue districts awaiting final numbers.  It was obvious that in the Red State of Alabama, Democrat Doug Jones would be the winner to take Jeff Session's former seat in the United States Senate.

The immediate answer to the question regarding what happened is simply that the allegations of sexual impropriety against Roy Moore worked.

The Democrat Voters have been all over this.  While visiting leftist websites, the memes and writings told me that the Democrats are fully convinced that Roy Moore is some kind of horrible child molester or pedophile.  I suppose that makes sense, because the media's portrayal has included placing the pictures of the women when they were young next to recent images of 70 year old Moore.

Never mind that even if the accusations were true, at the time Roy was only 32, 16 is the age of consent in Alabama, and Mr. Moore was neither a Republican, nor a Christian, at the time.  He was a registered Democrat.

People grow.  People change.

There is not a Christian I know who can say they are anything like the person they were before they accepted Christ.

That all said, I don't believe that this was just an election that had the Democrats lashing out against Roy Moore because he's not a Democrat.  I think it goes deeper than that.

Moore's alleged sexual impropriety, when it comes to Democrats in politics, isn't really that big of a deal, to be honest.

In California an assemblyman just resigned after being accused of forcing a female lobbyist to watch him as he pleasured himself.

Democrat Corrine Brown, former member of the House of Representatives, will be doing jail time for stealing from a bogus children's charity.

In Virginia a leftist pro-abortion adult punched a 15-year-old girl in the face for her pro-life position.

Near San Diego a Leftist College Professor sucker-punched 17 year-old-boy at an immigration rally.

But, we are told never mind all of that stuff.  Instead, we are to believe that 39 years ago Roy Moore, who was an entirely different person back then, did some horrible things and he is today somehow some kind of sexual predator as a result.

The allegations of his sexual improprieties changed this election to favor a Democrat (barely), but the reasoning behind it actually had nothing to do with this election, and everything to do with creating a new leftist narrative.  I am a firm believer the accusations are all false, made up for the purpose of the left's usual game of dirty politics.  Don't get me wrong, they hate Roy Moore, but not because they believe him to be some kind of child molester.  He's guilty of something much worse, something they hate more than pedophiles.  He's a conservative Christian.

The Democrat Party is being guided by cultural Marxism.  Faith, from their point of view, is the opiate of the masses.  They hate Christians.  Senator Feinstein revealed contempt for Christianity during her questioning of Trump's judicial nominees.  Remember, the Democrat Party is the party that removed God from their platform, and then reluctantly added him back during boos after criticism for their decision.

The attack against Judge Roy Moore was all about the fact that he's a conservative Christian.  Trump's statement that we are a nation that worships God, not government, was enough to send the Democrats over the edge.

This was supposed to be their revolution, not ours.  Hillary Clinton was their final nail in the coffin of Christian America, but somehow, the revolution was put on hold.  The swamp wasn't supposed to be drained.  It was supposed to gain more control.

The Democrats have made deals with the devil.  They've allied with Islam and the homosexual agenda.  In California "gender neutral" bathrooms are now the law.  They are fighting for no borders and a global system of governance.

2018 may be their last chance for a generation, and they know it.  If conservatives lose either House of Congress in the 2018 election, the drain of the swamp will come to a stop, and then a new nail for Christian America's coffin will be pulled out.  The death of the Judge Moore candidacy was all about that, creating the narrative of "Republicans are Pedophiles", and also how the GOP is dead because of Trump.

It's a play in a plan.  Simple as that.  And many voters have bought into it.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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