Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Liberals aren't sure how to handle terrorism - - and they want to put a man (or woman) in the White House?

As I read the latest news on my homepage about how the United States says that Iran's proposal regarding the nuclear negotiations fell short of the the United Nations damands that it cease uranium enrichment, I bounced around and came across an Ann Coulter article titled: What Part of the War on Terrorism Do They Support?

The article brought up an interesting point. The Democrats say that they are for the war on terror. They believe that it was good to chase Osama bin Laden. Yet, they are adamantly opposed to the war in Iraq.

They fail to acknowledge that many terrorists have been killed in this war with Iraq, such as Zarqawi, a high ranking al-Qaida leader.

In fact, they believe that the war in Iraq is hampering the war on terrorism.

Ann Coulter uses an example stating: "This would be like complaining that Roosevelt's war in Germany was hampering our ability to fight the real global war on fascism."

I seem to remember after 9/11 that it was stated that the war on terrorism was to be waged against terrorists, and nations that support terrorism financially and by training terrorists on their soil. Did Saddam's Iraq not fall under that umbrella?

And the Libs say, "And how horrid that we profile Muslims at the airport during this fight...we should only zero in on potential terrorists."

Are the Dems kidding? Are they really that stupid?

I should know better than to ask those questions. You and I know the answer.

Now, for fear of sounding like a hater, understand that I do not dislike my Liberal friends. . .I just disagree with those things they say whenever their mouths open.

The ones that floor me the most are comments like Michael Moore's "Sure, there are terrorist attacks here and there, but terrorism is not a global problem like the Republicans make it out to be. . ." and another comment (can't remember who said it) "The statistic that over 500 terrorists have crossed the Mexican Border since 9/11 is in error, because if that many terrorists had crossed, we would have been attacked again by now."

And in tune with Ann Coulter, and along the line of something I have said before, the reality of the problem with these leftwing nutcakes is that in their minds, God is a bigger threat than terrorism. Sure, absolutely. Don't believe me? Ask those trying to save the cross on Mount Soledad, or any professor that has mentioned the name of God in our colleges, or the girl that thanked God in her Valedictorian address in Las Vegas (at which time the microphone was shut off), or the Navy Chaplain that ended a prayer in Jesus' name at a military funeral and then faced court martial for it, or anyone that attempts to say a nondenominational prayer before a high school football game.

As Ann Coulter says at the end of her article: Now that's a threat.


Bushwack said...

Amen Brother.. The far left has got a rosey view of the world. Rehabilitate at all costs, Appeasment rather than fight. Save the spotted tick (Or whatever) but no problem killing baby humans.
The liberal left is trying to ruin our country and between the ACLU and the UN they have some powerfull allies.

MDConservative said...

When you brought up the valedictorian speech it made me think, and it is a good point you made.

I bet you could give your valedictorian speech about how terrorists are really “misunderstood freedom fighters” etc. etc. And that would be fine. But try to talk about how this administration has implemented policies to protect our lives and country and I am sure that there would be a “random power failure” in the speaker system.