Centrist: One you takes a position in the political center. A moderate.
I have two words for that definition - Bull Sh**!
The freaky-deakies on NPR call themselves Centrists, and they are farther to the left than socialists are. My cousin calls herself a Centrist, and she is one of those people that believes in that Sacred Feminine crap that the DaVinci Code sputtered about. She is one of those people that loves Michael Moore, and Rosie, and all of the other whack-jobs out there that can't seem to get a handle on right and wrong, and is more to the left than most of the far-left liberals that I know. I spoke to a man claiming to be a Centrist over the weekend and after I told him that I was an Evangelical (and mentioned Billy Graham's name) he said that Billy Graham votes Democrat. Unlikely. Honestly, that's Mister Graham's business, and I don't pretend to know everybody's political standing, but I doubt that the great evangelistic preacher supports a political party that agrees with the mass murder of innocent unborn children, agrees with a political party that urges gay marriage - thus compromising a God-given institution, or votes for a party that takes pride in being Godless (as per Ann Coulter).
Centrists support gay marriage, support abortion, support talking to the enemies rather than sending our big bad bombs even though it is common knowledge that all the talk in the world has not stopped terrorism and North Korea's nuclear obsession, support extreme environmentalism (or eco-terrorism), support social democracy (a cute little code name for socialistic Marxism), Global government (through social cooperation - again, sounds just like Marxism), removing God from our public lives so that ambiguity may rain (I suppose they don't like the represention of right and wrong), the new idea of spiritualism and so on and so on. Sounds liberal to me!
And for you knuckleheaded leftist centrists out there wanting resources, here's some of your brethren's sites, many of which support what I am saying about Centrists: http://donklephant.com/ http://www.centristcoalition.com/blog/index.html http://austincentrist.blogspot.com/ and there's more, I'm sure you'll find them.
Centrists claim that Republicans vote only party, but they look deeply at the candidate, and choose their candidates without party in mind. No, that is not true in regards to myself as a Republican, I vote the man (or woman). But it always turns out that the best candidate is always a Republican. Why? Simply because Democrats tend to push socializing America, and yet can't seem to pinpoint specifics. They say things like "I'm for a stronger America," and "I'm for the people," and "I plan to balance the budget and create a surplus," but they can never seem to dictate exactly how they plan to do anything, or why they support any particular issue. Beside, Clinton proved that the party does not have any interest in protecting our nation ( http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2001/12/5/142108.shtml ) against terrorism, and the current Democratic idiots claim that they plan to tax us to the point of recession. And all of that doesn't even touch on the issues that the democrats do take a stance on such as abortion, gay marriage, letting illegals run freely through our great land, cutting and running from the war on terrorism, etc.
Okay, I know I am going to get some comments saying to me not to let these idiots get to me, but it is just mind boggling how underhanded the left can be. Makes me want to puke.
Hey, Centrists, quit hiding under that nonsense name. Just come out and say it. Tell us the truth. You are leftwing, liberal, Marxist, anti-capitalism, Godless, tax-hiking, war-protesting Democrats that sometimes vote Independent.
A little honesty might actually make you look less stupid.
1 comment:
Honesty? I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for it from that crowd!
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