Sunday, March 04, 2007

Ann Coulter and John Edwards and the "faggot" comment

Yesterday on my Political Pistachio Radio Show, a caller asked me about Ann Coulter's comment that I am sure you all know about by now. If not, check it out here. Immediately, without being fully aware of exactly what was said, and how the whole thing transpired, I agreed that Ann Coulter was in the wrong, and set back the Conservative agenda.

Now that I have a little better perspective on what transpired, I take back what I said, and offer the following commentary instead.

When I first heard about this "faggot" comment by Ann Coulter, I was upset because she has proven before that she is a controversy hound, loves to stick it to the left no matter how tasteless, and often finds it difficult to come to logical conclusions regarding the issues without tossing around a little name calling. I am one that tries to take the high road, carefully explaining every point. My wife, sometimes, tells me to just get to the point, rather than qualifying everything I say.

Ann Coulter gets to the point, and she uses the same offensive language we use in our everyday dealings with people in the real world. One reason people are so upset about Ann Coulter's remark that basically called John Edwards a "faggot" is because we expect people in the public eye to have some kind of higher standard, and we seem to always be quick to call them on it when they fail to meet that standard. Personally, I think tendencies such as that is just an off-shoot of political correctness, and we should be ashamed of ourselves for having such a knee-jerk reaction. I, myself, as a conservative, am not going to lower myself to the same level of the liberals and bend over backward to appease the gay crowd, much less the liberal/Marxist movement in America.

Is what Ann said tasteless? Perhaps. You know, I work in the construction industry, and when a girly-boy shows up on a job site, we elbow each other, laugh hysterically, and say to each other, "Damn, what a faggot." Do we mean that the person is a homosexual? No, not necessarily. Does the fact that such conversation occurs make in right? Not really. But, to get to the point, "faggot" has become a slang-word for "girly-boy".

It is not really a verbal practice that I am proud of, using the word "faggot", or other words that I would not use in normal, mixed conversation. Speaking in such a way with my friends is perhaps a weakness of us men who don't accept the existence of men who have strong feminine tendencies. But why should I really care in the long run? Who am I trying to appease? Who is really offended here? The gays? Or a bunch of people looking for a reason to lynch a right-winger like Ann Coulter?

And since when does the conservative right really care what the gays are thinking? Most of us on the right believe that gays practice a perverted behavior "by choice" and have no business parading their perversion in front of the rest of us. Society has spent so many years cramming down our throats (no pun intended) that homosexuality should be accepted, condoned, and even promoted, that even those of us that have a problem with this sinful attitude are beginning to jump to defend them.

It comes down to this. If a liberal says something offensive, it was a bad joke, or misunderstood (Kerry is a good case in point). If a conservative utters something deemed offensive by someone on God's green earth, rather than receiving a free pass like a liberal would get, the offending conservative needs therapy, or needs to be dragged out into town square so that everyone can berate them for their unpardonable sin. This is left-wing hypocrisy at its best.

He who is without sin, throw the first stone.

Yes, it was irresponsible for Ann to give the left fuel for yet another attack against the Right. She should have kept her tongue on a leash, not necessarily because it was so wrong to say what she said, but to protect the Right from the flaming arrows being launched by the left.

But here's the other thing that I found fascinating. Left-wingers are always quick to point out how conservatives have made this thing called politics such a Right vs. Left battle. They cry out for bi-partisanship. "Can't we all just get along?" But the moment a right-winger steps out of line, the battle lines are drawn, the lefty battalions group together, and they all participate in that Right vs.Left war they were criticizing before. The left will do anything for votes. Ann should have been careful what she said, but not because it was so wrong. She should have been careful about what she said because the backlash from the left could be damaging, and enable the left to gain just a little more sympathy from those voters out there that are not sure which camp they belong to.


MDConservative said...

I agree with your overall point that she is just providing fuel, and that doesn't help.

What I don't like is for the gay community or the left to say how "offended" they are. I am sorry but the only people that can offend me are people I respect. If someone in the Nation of Islam wants to rant about me being a white bigot. I think he is wrong, but no matter what I was called I would not be offended.

The left and gay community does not respect the right, much less Ann Coulter. So I think people need to just deal with it and swall... (nevermind enough with the puns).

Well then a lefty will attack me for saying I find the things Kerry and Murtha offensive, and "I doubt your ignorant right mind respects true heroes like them." Nope, I have grown not to... but that is different. They are elected officials to REPRESENT the people. That argument does not fly.

There is a HUGE difference between a member of the Government saying something and a private citizen. You can say she is offensive, but to the left: don't contend you are truly "offended."

And if somehow you are, you really must look into getting some thicker skin, in the meantime this might help:

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."

Take two of those and call me in the morning you over-sensitive individual.

Anonymous said...

I defend Ann Coulter's right to make a fool of herself.

But DG, I ask you, why do you insist on speaking for liberals when you clearly aren't one?

Anonymous said...

Also, "faggot's" second classical definition means "energy fuel."

But don't take my word for it, or Ms. Coulter's. Look it up.

Proletariat said...

I, myself, as a conservative, am not going to lower myself to the same level of the liberals and bend over backward to appease the gay crowd, much less the liberal/Marxist movement in America.

Believing that an individuals' sexual preference is not a matter the government should delve into is hardly "bending over backwards".

Secondly, any type of discrimination is wrong, especially if you claim to be so Christian, like many anti-Gay agenda proponents in the public eye.

Marriage should be kept as a Man and a Woman, but I do support Civil Unions, and have no problem with homosexuals. I don't laugh at them, nor use the word "faggot", "queer", et cetera.

Ann Coulter is a despicable person, and an embarrassment to the Conservative movement.


libhom said...

You claim to be so against bin Laden, yet you support the Coulter-bin Laden agenda on homosexuality.

You are a hypocrit.

MDConservative said...

Coulter-bin Laden agenda? Seriously. She is the one that wants to "invade your country and convert people to christianity." So how exactly do you seem to feel she and bin laden would make agendas together?

Since you no longer speak to me, I just thought I would let you know Murtha was on MTP and mentioning the cutting of funds... if only he had the votes. For the 4 millionth time, stop the lie that the left isn't thinking about cutting funds. The "we might just give MORE funds, who knows" does not cover up what the left wants to do.

PS-I love how you tell people don't speak for a side, or my side all the time. Then I heard you one time say "I never said I speak for the left." Guess what I always hear you talking about how YOU are speaking for the left... it tends to slip out when things get heated and you trip over your arguments. Just thought I'd let you know.

David Odeen said...

A C is a dumb-wit of the first degree...Go away Ann!

MDConservative said...

I have to disagree, I think she is quite smart. If you look back at "debates" she is a part of... when she knows about the topic she can really hold her own. She relies on the name calling and her crazy stuff comes out when she is up against someone who has the upper edge.

I think she makes many valid points, that are lost in the circus known as Ann Coulter.

I will be honest, I find her funny so when there are no critical elections... do your stuff. When things are tight, Ann just bite your lip please.

Tom said...

I don't know how DG comes to the conclusion that gay people choose to be gay. I put that claim in the same category of the "mankind dates back 6000" years idea. Just one of those really off the wall beliefs that is impossible to argue against.

I don't think Ann Coulter is a stupid person by any means. She sells a lot of books, and she gets paid for appearances and so on. I don't even mind if she uses offensive language. That's part of her personna and is really the only reason why she shows up in the news. If she stuck to more traditional methods of policitcal conversation, nobody would pay any attention at all. What irritates me is that she keeps getting invited to offer commentary on the cable news programs and such.

Or - and this is just a far fetched idea - maybe she's a plant from the left. It's true she makes conservatives look really assinine. She gives the left an easy target to rail against. She's doing a lot for the cause, because most Americans push back against that sort of venom spewing attack. I just wish she did it more often. It seems like we have to wait until nobody is interested in her anymore, and then she trots out a big offense remark and then bam - back in the news.

And like I said, she's more than welcome to use whatever descriptive terms she wants to classify people. I'm sure she would have been right at home during the civil rights movement, going on about.. well, I don't even want to type that word.

Normally when people do that sort of thing, the consequences are negative, such as the Tim Hardaway comment. However, for Ann Coulter, that just gets her exactly what she thrives on.. controversy.

I wish more on the right were not less reserved than Ann Coulter. The culture war is over, and seeing the right for the hate mongers for what they are would just speed it up.

Don't believe me? Guess who's leading the Republican Prez nomination polls? Rudy Guiliani.. oh he of the pro-choice, pro-gay, anti-gun platform... 3 times divorced and an adulturer.. oh.. and I've got a picture someplace of him in drag with Donald Trump.

Then there's Mitt Romney - shocker - a Mormon. I don't know what makes the right more crazy.. that he's a Mormon of that (until recently) he supported pro-choice and pro-gay positions.

And then there's the 72 year old guy.. He's not very well liked either.

It's all just so delicious.

Anonymous said...

The bottom line is that Ann Coulter, as much as the left has always thought she was crazed, or phoney, and as much as the right is now beginning to catch on, has as much right to her free speech as anyone else, and the GOP has a right to sponsor her.

When the "Right" splits from the "Republicans..." That's when the culture war will be insignificant by comparison to the fact that our nation has to fix the foreign policy blunders committed by the GOP when they were in control of all three branches of government.

Anonymous said...

Good commentary Gibbs. I haven't listened to the show yet. Hope to catch up on the logs.

I think it's rather funny!
She has been accused of as being a MAN and when she calls someone a fagot, they are all upset! Oh boo hoo.


Anonymous said...

Shouldn't we all be over the "girly man" thing by now? Titter, titter...

And gay crowd? What gay crowd? They're not monolithic. People have gay FRIENDS, and gay RELATIVES.

Anonymous said...

So,What's the point?

Wild Phil said...

I like this, this is very interesting how the Left attacks Ann Coulter when the Left has it's own bunch like the Al Sharptons and the Jesse Jackmouth Jackas- bunch. The fregin left can go shove their heads in their rear ends because that is what it's all about.

As far as the leftists are concerned they can go take a flying leap and STFU.

Tom said...

Bad day Magnum? Try kicking the dog.. it'll make you feel better.

Anonymous said...

Well, we liberals are not going to shut up. This is still America.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Kitty! Say no to our government of the war criminals, BY the evangelicals, and for the CIA!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dave.