9 American paratroopers were killed when a suicide car bomb hit an American patrol base northeast of Baghdad. 20 soldiers were wounded.
The mainstream media simultaneously decided that the blast walls that are planned to be erected around Baghdad nighborhoods are a bad idea, and claim that there is a growing outcry from Iraqis that the barriers will fuel sectarian discord.
The liberals, backed by the liberal mainstream media, and powered by the Democratic Party, are doing whatever they can to enable the United States to lose the war in Iraq and abandon the region.
The flag I support is the Stars and Stripes. It seems that their flag is the solid white flag of surrender.

And the Left through their onslaught of defeatist propaganda, and socialistic agenda, have created a set of rules of engagement that handcuff our troops and make them unable to wage this war as it should be fought. Our brave troops are being court-martialed for doing their job (Haditha is a great example of that) and are being killed because of the restrictions that have been placed on them by a politically correct ideology that rivals Islam in regards to how dangerous it is. This idea of sacrificing our troops through these restrictions are fueled by the Democrats and the activists who would rather see us lose this war and become dependent upon the socialists of Europe and the Islamic ideological machine, than remain the free Republic we have been for over 230 years.
The Democrats are winning the political battles when it comes to this war and our young men and women of the military are dying as a result. And what disgusts me most is that the Republicans are quickly becoming soft in their position versus the Liberals. They are essentially allowing the Democrats and liberal Anti-America machine to dictate what happens in Iraq as they push for their final goal, a complete pull-out.
The Republicans have forgotten that wars need to be fought to be won, and penalizing our troops, and downgrading them to policemen in the streets of Baghdad is not the way you win a war.
And another way a war is lost is by listening to the idiots of the left try to convince you it is lost using the exact same psychological warfare used by Tokyo Rose during World War II.
They wish to convince you that the President lied to you, the war is illegal, and the war is unwinnable. They wish to make you believe it is a quagmire, and to support such an undertaking is foolish. And like Tokyo Rose, at the end of the application of their defeatist agenda, they claim they support the troops.
Their latest attack calls for Cheney's impeachment.
Hey, idiots, you impeach people for illegal activities, like lying under oath as Bill Clinton did. You don't try to impeach people for conducting their duties in ways that you wouldn't.
I, for one, believe that if the Liberal Machine gets its way, we will see a black helicopter rising from the roof of the American Embassy in Baghdad with people hanging from it as we pull out of the region, and a bloodbath in Iraq led by Iran and Syria will ensue. This nightmarish possibility is a definite, if we continue to allow the Liberal Left to have their way.
Tom:"You are, of course, aware that one of the charges the Republicans impeached Clinton for was "abuse of power"."
Uh, no, he was "impeached" for:
The House voted 228 to 206 to approve proposed Article I of Impeachment (Perjury before a Federal Grand Jury), and voted 221 to 212 to approve proposed Article III of Impeachment (Obstruction of Justice).
Now I would think that before you try to snottily imply people are"idiots", you would do just a smidge of research on the topic first.. otherwise.. well, I won't call you an "idiot" because the new and improved Jenn doesn't insult people like that.
Tom, didn't I ban you? Oh, and Clinton lied under oath. You are right, I should call people names. I only use labels when the label is factual, hence, the reason I call members of the extreme left "idiots." Read, learn something, and post trackbacks to my posts as you call me names on your site (don't think I haven't noticed) but don't comment here. Well, unless your mental disease of liberalism is cured, then maybe I'll welcome you back. Besides, your points were moot, as Jenn proved. Don't disrupt my blog. I've got better things to do than to have to spend all my time deleting your comments.
Sorry Doug, no troll feeding...it's so hard to resist when they are that clueless.
Article 4 was for abuse of power, but it failed in the house 285-148.
Sorry Doug, but....T can you not READ?
The House voted 228 to 206 to approve proposed Article I of Impeachment (Perjury before a Federal Grand Jury), and voted 221 to 212 to approve proposed Article III of Impeachment (Obstruction of Justice).
Purjury and Obstruction. Not "abuse of power" as you claimed.
Now run along, you must have a DU Annonymous meeting to attend.
Seems there is a sudden trouble with Troll attacks. Hope I don't have to go to moderation. Okay, listen. Dems want to impeach Bush and Cheney because they are making decisions regarding the war different than they would make. Sorry excuse for impeachment. The Clinton Machine LIED UNDER OATH! That, my friends, is an impeachable offense (not counting "travelgate" and other underhanded dealings).
However, I am not a huge fan of Bush. There are things I don't like about him. He is weak regarding the borders. He has big government programs like the "No Child Left Behind Act" which I highly disagree with (older post has been written on that - when I find it I'll give ya the URL), and I believe he is a wuss when it comes to dealing with the lefty liberals. However, I would never cut my president off at the knees as the Democrats are doing, nor abandon the battlefield durig wartime. That is straight out treason. Don't respond to this comment. My next post will lay it down nicely.
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