58 people are dead after a car bomb exploded in the Shiite holy city of Karbala. This came shortly after a separate announcement by the U.S. Military of nine American troops being killed, including three deaths on Saturday. Sunni insurgents are being blamed for the violence.
On April 14th 47 people were killed and 224 wounded in a car bombing in the same area. Many of the locals blame lax protection from the security forces of Karbala according to the Associated Press.
This is more fuel for the Democrat's call for a withdrawal.
Military sources state that the bombings are designed to provoke retaliatory violence by Shiite militias and political pressure to push for an American withdrawal. The Democrats, as expected, are falling for it, preferring to run behind a wall of cowardice as they wave their white flag of surrender.
For those that missed the Political Pistachio Radio Show yesterday, I announced that Political Pistachio has been mentioned in a Nationally published magazine. Comments regarding the possibility of an accomplice in the Virginia Tech shootings by me on Political Pistachio is on page 35 of the May 7th issue of the National Inquirer.
Tabloid or not, it's a start. Surely Time Magazine, American Conservative, or perhaps Newsweek is next. Perhaps.
You are very lucky Doug!! The national Esquaire!! Congrates
Islam will no doubt increase their violence to stir the liberal nest of hornets.
Dear Doug
I know that you are proud of your service- and so you should be.
I wonder if you might be a little like me and wonder from time to time if you would have / could have stayed in what life would be like.
I think the best is yet to come and this is your vocation.
Thank you, Kris, for the compliment. Honestly, I wanted to stay in the military. I planned on being a "lifer", but medical trauma had other ideas. A left-temporal fracture to my skull, a severely damaged left knee, damaged back, and damaged neck (not counting a myriad of smaller injuries) pushed me out. My wife contributes the end of my military career as one of the factors that led to our marriage becoming so strong - and writing has always been my number one goal as a vocation - I have now joined a second writers organization and I am poised in the coming months to be able to write full-time. And for Jenn: yes, Jenn, I am still working on the book!
Twitty - Don't you know when you are unwelcomed? I keep seeing your posts POOOOF disappear. Get a clue. And regardless it is interesting to be mentioned, and if you had a clue Doug was mentioning it and making some light of it at the same time.
Why am I talking to you, hmmm. Oh that's it... I had 2 minutes of my life that I decided to waste today.
MD, she's psycho. She must have left 10+ comments a day on my site that got deleted for weeks, over and over, knowing I'd delete them. That is the sign of a mentally unstable person.
MK, you think everything is about you. Perhaps Jenn isn't stalking you. . . maybe she likes visiting my site and then feels compelled to argue with you. Maybe if we quit feeding the troll, the troll will go away. Perhaps.
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