So there I am, in my office trying to explain something to somebody, and I am contacted by a Soldier that is Politically Incorrect, and proud of it!
Paul Couturier received the call to go to Iraq in 2003 to be a part of Operation Iraqi Freedom. I am sure he didn't know what truly to expect. Or perhaps he did. After all, Paul had already been in the Army National Guard for over 20 years at that point.
In my past correspondence with him it became immediately clear that Paul has a lot to say. He lives in Massachusetts, so you can just imagine what he thinks of his two senators (more or less his words - BTW, those Senators are: John Kerry and Teddy Kennedy), and one of his biggest gripes is about the anti-military extremists in general, especially (his words again) "those hypocrites who say they support the troops, but not their mission!"
Well, tonight on Political Pistachio Radio, Paul will be able to say what he desires about the war, and about the libtards that seek to undermine the effort. The show airs live at 4pm Pacific Time/7pm Eastern Time. Listen live if you'd like, or access the archive later. You are also free to call in to talk to Paul at (646) 652-2940. I will field questions when I can from Yahoo Instant Messenger if that is how you want to participate - my ID is douglasvgibbs.
All that Paul asks is that we all remember that he is still serving in the Guard, and though he wishes to be honest about the war, he will not say anything that may place the troops currently serving overseas at a disadvantage in any way.
Looking forward to hearing from you tonight. Until then, Blessings from Political Pistachio.
P.S. I will also update you on my son's situation with cancer - we spent a long time at the hospital with him this morning.
barring any of the usual child causing crises, should be listening
Captain Couturier made an excellent guest tonight, Mr. Gibbs.
His stated views are a breath of fresh air, as are those of yourself and your wife.
May I congratulate Mrs. Pistachio on becoming an American citizen! The ceremony must have been very moving with the playing of "God Bless The U.S.A.", as no truer words were ever written about your great land.
Saturday night at 7:00pm EST is looking more interesting after this Canadian discovered your web site.
Just one tiny question: since California is such a large state, may we send you a few of our "moonbats"---there must be a property or two somewhere on the---you know---the "fault" line??? Just a thought.
Veritas et Fidelis Semper
From Douglas V. Gibbs: Obob, hope you enjoyed the show. Deborah, thanks for joining the Poltical Pistachio Family. Honestly, the show is getting better only because of hard work and hard lessons. Trust me, my first shows, due to a lack of experience, were not that good. Paul Couterier was a wonderful guest and I enjoyed having him on. Any recommendation for a good guest is always appreciated, but so far I am booked with a whole score of wonderful guests through July 7th. And trust me, with Hollyweird nearby, and San Francisco up north, we have enough lefty loons in California to keep us busy, so I am sorry, I can't take any moonbats, the San Andreas fault is full of cracked windpipes. Rosie fills the widest part of the earthquake fault. God Bless, and I'm thankful that there is a conservative voice like yours in the Great White North.
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