Rumors are flying around that Fidel Castro might be dead. One blog has been working tirelessly to find out the truth. Imagine, if you will, if this is true.
Hollywood elite would be in tears, for one of their heroes would be gone. Hugo Chavez is frothing at the mouth in preparation, because in all of his imitation of Cuba, he may actually wish to annex Cuba to Venezuela (or vice versa). Hey, stranger things have happened. He even changed the time zone of his Socialist Bolivar Republic of Venzuela (or whatever he calls it now).
Well, if Castro is dead, be prepared for more strife than just what is happening in the Middle East.
Now, an acquaintance of mine posted this explanation of what would happen if The Left decided to listen to the Far Left and actually attempt to impeach President Bush (this is not my writing, but "Brendan's" and I don't have a blog to attribute it to, so this will have to suffice:
Well, I want them to EXPLAIN EXACTLY what they think would happen if they moved to impeach and it was unsuccessful.
*waves hand frantically*
OOOH..OOOh....I can do that for you.
A failed impeachment will see a massive swing back to the GOP, as the Democrats are seen as pursuing a useless, baseless, and vindictive agenda.
With no proof, no charges, nothing of substance and nothing more than a hatred of the President, the process will be seen as an abuse of power by the so called Democratic base"Blue dog " Dems will revolt, the GOP will UNITE to slam the process closed before it even leaves the House, the "articles" will fail more than fifty percent of the votes needed to proceed to the Senate. The Democrats will be seen as trying to destabilise the government, and will be perceived as having lied to their constituents when they promised good government and more responsible leadership.
The GOP will pick up seats in both the House and the Senate in the primaries as voters will react in disgust at the Democrats use of a "vengeance agenda" based on B.D.S and very little on facts. The Democrats will then find their agenda DEAD IN THE WATER.
Every bill they try and put through will be used as a kicking post by the GOP. Every "social reform," will be tied up in committee, the subcommittees will find themselves unable to get anything done as more and more Senators and others wont return their calls.
When it hits the floor, IF it hits the floor.....they will find getting any bill through a Herculean task as every obstruction will be put in its way. Amendments, riders, attachments, appropriations, anonymous holds....all bets will be off.
Hillary will find herself at the centre of a massive media storm as her own husbands impeachment and disbarment will be hauled out and used as a club to beat her campaign into a bloody pulp.
Barack will backpedal faster than he ever did in his life, in an attempt to distance himself from this train wreck.
Pelosi will be too busy trying to put Humpty Dumpty back together again as her role of Speaker will now be one of damage control / emergency repair.Her credibility will be shot...this is a nightmare she dreads.
Joe Lieberman will tear the Democrats to pieces....and a lot of "fence sitter" senators will join him.Last but not least, the military vote, the veteran vote and a great deal of the centre and centre left vote in the US will turn on the Democrats...and they will find themselves at the end, languishing in the political long grass......for DECADES.
George Bush will find himself with massive popularity as the average American will NOT sit still for what is ostensibly and publicly seen as a craven attack on the office of the Presidency in a time of war.
In summary: two words:POLITICAL SUICIDE.
Here endeth the lesson.
And finally, check this out: The Border Patrol, or at least this dude, has decided that apprehending illegal aliens or seizing illegal narcotics as they cross the border IS NOT THE JOB OF THE U.S. BORDER PATROL.
God help us, as a friend of mine said in response to this one.
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