Al Gore has won the Nobel Peace Prize for junk science. This award comes to him shortly after a British judge ruled that Al Gore told a string of untruths in An Inconvenient Truth, and that children should be warned about these untruths before a teacher shows the documentary in the classroom.
Al Gore pleads in his new book, The Assault on Reason (which is more of an assault on the Bush Administration than it is about science), that "We must stop tolerating the rejection and distortion of science. We must insist on an end to the cynical use of pseudo-studies known to be false for the purpose of intentionally clouding the public's ability to discern the truth."
Perhaps Mr. Gore should follow his own advice.
Holly Fretwell agrees with Mr. Gore on the point about the need to stop tolerating the distortion of science. Holly is the author of "The Sky's NOT Falling! Why It's OK to Chill About Global Warming," the alternative to Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth, and Laurie David's fear inducing global warming kid's book, "Down to Earth Guide to Global Warming."

Holly Fretwell is an adjunct professor at Montana State University, and a Research Fellow at the Property and Environment Research Center. No stranger to controversial issues, Professor Fretwell has consulted on timber export regulations in the Pacific Northwest and for the Center for International Trade in Forest Products. She has authored and co-authored numerous articles on natural resources issues, with a current emphasis on public lands management and educating students and teachers in environmental economics. Her articles have been published in both professional journals and the popular press, including the Wall Street Journal, Journal for Environmental Economics and Management, the Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum, and Journal of Forestry.
Professor Fretwell is our guest tonight on a special Friday Night edition of Political Pistachio Radio at 10 PM Eastern Time, 7 PM Pacific. Call in to chime in at 646-652-2940. If you listen live, feel free to join the always jumping chatroom - or you can feel free to contact me during the show with your own questions on Yahoo Instant Messenger (ID: douglasvgibbs).
This special broadcast of Political Pistachio Radio will immediately follow the premier of CIR Radio, on which I will be a panel member. This show combines the talents of myself, Jenn of Jenn's Jungle Republic Radio, Dave from My Point Radio, and Nikki Starr of Nicki Rocks the Politics. It will air live at 9 PM Eastern Time, 6 PM Pacific.
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