In a world where political correctness has gone so nutty that Santa Claus has been banned from saying "Ho, Ho, Ho," because it may frighten children and is derogatory to women, and in a political climate that enables OPEC the have the cajones to boldly declare that they and they alone will determine when oil production needs to be increased, and now is not that moment, rejecting a U.S. appeal to boost output, and where petty dictators like Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez threaten the Spanish King to apologize for telling him to shut up or else there could be some real economic suffering, and where people like Hillary Clinton makes decisions based on the tide such as in the case of suddenly proclaiming that she does not support driver's licenses for illegals after (under pressure) New York Governor Spitzer withdrew his proposal for such (and you know dang well that if Spitzer's idea had been met with positive encouragement, she would have supported it), there is a real need for a Red November in 2008.

One such member in the House of Representatives that Conservatives would like to see removed and replaced by a Republican is John Murtha. You remember him, don't you? Murtha was the Democrat that said, in reference to the U.S. Marines in Haditha, Iraq, the Marines "killed innocent civilians in cold blood." Now that the investigating officer has recommended charges should be dropped, and in response, the charges were, Murtha has refused to issue an apology or to comment on the dishonor of our troops he voiced when publicly prejudicing United States Marines as "cold blooded murderers" long before the investigation was even complete. Next year this bag of worthless flesh is up for reelection, and who better to be the Republican to run against him than an Iraq War Veteran, William Russell?

People forget that far left Democrats like Murtha actually only truly represents a small portion of the party. 19% of Democrats actually believe that the United States would be better off if the U.S. loses in Iraq. The other 81%, I am thinking, are not too thrilled by folks like John Murtha who caters to the 19%. It is this pool of people William Russell must appeal to. If only one out of every three Democrats in his district casts a vote for him, John Murtha will lose, and the Iraq War Veteran, William Russell, will replace Murtha in the United States Congress.
William Russell is slated to join Political Pistachio Radio tonight at 10pm Eastern Time. Join us as we discuss the issues, and the need for a world with less people like John Murtha in office.
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