An innocent heart is a brittle thing, and one false vow can break it. - Bulwer-Lytton, Last of the Barons.
For those of you who didn't have your Yahoo Instant Messenger up yesterday, I had my grandson (almost one month old) on the webcam. I don't know when the next opportunity to show off the little bugger will be, but be on the lookout. If you wish to join my little group of YIM buddies, my ID is douglasvgibbs.
And you know, little Ezekiel is just one of many reasons why I support the Global War on Terror.
What we face is a new type of fascism that is more illusory and antagonistic than Nazism was. And appeasement, like what is being promoted by the Democrats, is nothing less than a repeat of the pre-World War II mistake of appeasement by the British.
If we do not take this enemy seriously, and continue to take action to defend liberty, we will not have a similar free society to give to our children and grandchildren. We have not learned from history. By attempting to appease the Jihadists, and by continuing to urge Israel to give up more land for the hope of peace, we are repeating the errors made in earlier eras.
During the last century Nazism and fascism took hold of Europe and Japan, and those who warned of the coming crisis were ignored and ridiculed. Winston Churchill was unpopular, and called a war monger and alarmist during those years.
Winston Churchill, however, understood what the world was up against. He stated that trying to accommodate Hitler was "a bit like feeding a crocodile, hoping it would eat you last."
We now face similar challenges as a new fascist threat rises. This time the threat is using an ideology much more dangerous than extreme nationalism as the Nazis used. This time the threat is under the guise of a religion - a fanatical religion where the enemy does not surrender, but instead is willing to die for the cause, and believes to be immortally and eternally rewarded for doing so.
Unfortunately, the Liberal Left does not see it that way. In fact, the Democrats, and the Liberals that support them, believe that America is the real source of the world's troubles, and the cause of the rise in terror activity. We cannot afford this kind of view, nor can we afford not to remain on the offensive against this enemy. As the terrorist cells grow around the world, and as they continue to Islamisize Europe and America (as well as the rest of the world) we cannot fold under the continuing calls to withdraw the troops. Such a withdrawal is an abandonment of our ally, Israel, in the region, and an announcement to the Jihadists that Islamic forces have won in the Middle East. Such an announcement will invigorate the enemy, embolden them, and bring the war back to the shores of the United States of America.
And if we abandon Iraq before the country is strong enough to defend herself, we will be telling the nations in that region who may be considering being our ally that America cannot be trusted to keep its word.
So while the mainstream media seems to be content to emphasize the negative rather than the positive, it must be our prerogative as citizens of this great nation to continue the fight, and continue to ensure that our troops know that we are with them, we support them, and we recognize that the tide is turning and victory is in site in Iraq.
And I won't quit. I mustn't. A world without Islamic Extremism is the world I wish for Ezekiel.
By the way, last night on Andrea Shea King's show Josh P. Allem called in just past the halfway mark and decided to get involved in a conversation about the Council on Foreign Relations - and what follows is one of the funniest things you will ever hear. Check it out, it is hilarious.
Tonight on Political Pistachio Radio Mrs. Pistachio and myself will be discussing the hubbub about Teddy Bears named Muhammad, Hugo Chavez's disappointments, Why the NFL has decided to be unpatriotic at a Monday Night Game, or why saying "Allah Dammit" is funny. Tune in, we'll discuss this and more - just like Ricky and Lucy? Show begins at 10 pm Eastern Time.
Tomorrow night Josh P. Allem will join the show as my guest. We will discuss questions posed to the candidates, and what they should have said - Thursday's broadcast of Political Pistachio Radio also begins at 10pm Eastern Time.
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