Of late I have had the enormous opportunity to discuss politics with a well respected group of people. Dr. Jerome Corsi joined my Political Pistachio Radio show a couple weeks ago, this morning I taped an interview I will play on Friday's show with Joseph Farah, the founder and CEO of World Net Daily, and tonight I had the opportunity to discuss politics with Andrea Shea King, Jack Wheeler and Atlas Shrugs. And with all that I have learned during my years as a political junkie, and with all that I heard from these esteemed individuals, it has become more and more clear to me that Liberalism is not just an ideology or political platform. It is, I am sad to say, an irrational mental state.
Jack Wheeler on the Andrea Shea King Show describes the liberal mind as one that holds to the psychological strategy to avoid being envied. This being so, Liberalism is always in a state of apology. This state makes liberals feel guilty for prospering; guilty to other countries, and even guilty to mother nature (hence the Global Warming Swindle). A mind in this state prevents them from being willing to defend themselves, or this country, for that matter. Problem is, those of us that refuse to succumb to their emotional, knee-jerk, socialistic agenda have given them the power to continue their plight. We do this by not fighting for what we realize is the truth.
So when Dr. Michael Savage says Liberalism is a Mental Disorder, he may be on to something. But don't take my word for it - instead take the word of a leading psychiatrist!
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