Winter Soldier II is a replay of a Vietnam War event in which a minority of soldiers speak about the atrocities of war. Eagles Winter Soldier II Testimony Challenge is a group of Patriotic Citizens Standing Up For Our Troops on March 14, 2008 demanind truth in any atrocity testimony (times, dates, places, witnesses, leadership, all under oath). The event will be at the National Labor College, 10000 New Hampshire Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20903. Be there, if you are able, to support our nation's troops, and challenge the liars that have only anti-Americanism in their speech. Winter Soldier False Testimony of 1971 betrayed Vietnam Warriors - - - it cannot happen to our current generation of warriors - - - SF-180 will be required for witness testimony validation.
Then, on March 14, 2008, Stand Up For America, Our Troops, and Our Fallen at the Eagles Patriot Muster and March. Muster at 10:00 AM South of Constitution Avenue (Washington Monument Vicinity). March begins 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Be there to lift up America, our troops, the fallen, their families, and to honor those that have gone before us. The March Route is from Constitution Avenue near the Washington Monument proceeding East, Finishing West of the U.S. Capitol. All Patriots are welcome to participate; Boots on the ground, Wheel Chairs, Carts, or however else you can. Anti-America elements like those that participate in Anti-American Rallies in Washington D.C., Berkeley California, and the like only tear down our nation. The Eagles Patriot Muster and March is designed to honor America, support our troops, and respect our fallen, Missing In Action (MIA), families, and sacred ground.
But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew strength; they shall mount up with the wings of eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint (Isaiah 40:31).
And for more information, listen to the archive of Political Pistachio Radio on March 11, 2008 where I interview one of the organizers, COL Harry Riley, USA, Ret of Eagles Up.
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