America's National Identity is in danger of being lost.
Nearly half of 18 to 34 year old's surveyed believe that International Law should trump the U.S. Constitution anytime there is a conflict.
24 percent of the people surveyed believe we are already so divided that a common national identity is impossible.
Nearly 90% of Americans believe that colleges and universities should be required to teach U.S. history and government. Yet, only seven out of 100 fifth graders could explain why the date, July 4, 1776, is significant.
63% believe our National Identity is dwindling.
The report is called "E Pluribus Unum," and has been compiled by The Bradley Project, and it asks the question, "Does America have a National Identity, and why has our identity dwindled?"
It seems to me the only kids that seem to know anything about our history, and our heritage, are the ones being taught at home, and the liberal left is out trying to outlaw homeschooling as well.
This identity crisis is the result of our failure to ensure that it is taught. This is not something that has occured overnight. Creeping incrementalism has moved us into this state we are in. The path to correct it is long and arduous, and will include:
■ a renewed focus on the teaching of American history,
■ embracing America’s heroes and historic landmarks,
■ affirming the benefits of diversity (without using diversity as a weapon to divide), but not adopting policies that perpetuate divisions or compromise our national identity,
■ inaugurating an initiative to ensure immigrants learn English, understand democratic institutions, and participate fully in the American way of life,
■ and creating an annual Presidential Award for American Citizenship for students and new citizens who demonstrate exemplary understanding of and commitment to American ideals and institutions.
"We The People" have forgotten that the government represents us. The members of government are not our bosses, they are our servants. Our founding fathers designed this nation with National Pride in mind. Our National Identity is a precious American commodity, and must not be lost.
Call to action, my friends.
Get involved.
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