Last night on the Political Pistachio Radio Revolution the topic was a documentary put out by the Christian Action Network called Homegrown Jihad: The Terrorist Camps Around The U.S. As expected, my listeners were very concerned over the prospect of Islamic Terror against America being planned, and terrorists being trained, right here in America. After all, I asked at one point during the program, "What would have been the response if Nazi training camps were sprouting up around the nation during the 1930s? Would Americans be up in arms? Would the government simply allow it, or would they shut down these traitorous facilities?"
The guest, as the conversation became more intense, pointed out that compounds of this nature are operating under the law, and that the group that runs these facilities, Jamaat ul-Fuqra (Muslims of America), is not currently on the Foreign Terrorist Organization watchlist. Besides, pointed out Ryan Mauro, living on these compounds are many people who, though they may be followers of Sheik Muburak Gilani, they are innocent, and may very well not know the nature of the training going on on their compound.
Is the existence of these compounds a threat to the United States? Absolutely, and it is important for us to be aware of them, and to pressure them through media coverage, and the spreading of the information through methods like the Homegrown Jihad documentary, to remain peaceful.
Here's where it gets sticky. We must remain on the path of the law when dealing with these organizations. This is, after all, a nation of laws, and to alter the law to fit our concerns makes us no different than the Jihadists. Americans are above that. We prove it constantly. For example, the rules in the military are that you don't fire until you are fired upon - regardless of the fact that the enemy rejects such a belief. In law enforcement you don't arrest anyone until a crime is committed, even if the same is not true in other nations. And in National Security, private property cannot be seized without just cause. In other words, these facilities are able to remain in place as long as they don't cross any legal lines.
The truth of the matter angers many people. Some folks even say that if the government won't do anything, then it is up to the citizens to take action. But when does such an attitude change from words to actions, and from an upset group of citizens into a lynch mob? Does the law have the responsibility to stop such uprisings in order to protect others that may, or may not be, planning the next attack against America?
This is not the age of "mind crimes." We cannot accuse, arrest, and judge before a crime is actually committed - even if we think that crime is innevitable.
In this nation of liberty we have vast freedoms. But with freedom comes responsibiity. We have freedom of speech, but that doesn't necessarily mean that we have the freedom to say whatever we want, whenever we want. For example, if you were on an airplane, it would not only be irresponsible to shout out the word "bomb" or "gun," but it is illegal, and for good reason. One can argue that their freedom of speech is being impeded by such security measures, but when it comes to the safety of others, such limits of freedom must remain in place.
As a Conservative I recognize that sometimes these laws, or standards, become ridiculously one-sided, or knees jerk a little too quickly, thanks to the growing idiocy of political correctness. It is absolutely insane that our unborn children can be slaughtered at abortion clinics because a woman's choice is more important than a child's life, yet a pro-life pastor can be arrested for carrying a sign and peacefully offering alternatives to abortion outside an abortion clinic while standing outside the edge of the property of the clinic. The gay agenda can proclaim that Christianity should be eliminated, and protest outside churches pounding their fists on the hoods of cars as the church-goers pull off the property of their church, but to carry the belief, and voice such, that homosexuality is a sin can be a hate crime in some circumstances. Groups of Anti-Israel protestors can jam Wilshire in Los Angeles with cries of death to Jews and Americans, and remain safe under the auspices of the law. Illegal Aliens can cross into the United States without being stopped, despite the fact that they are breaking immigration laws in doing so, but an American can face serious consequences for defending his property against these very same outlaws. You are entitled to your freedom of speech, with reasonable limitations (like the example of the plane I used earlier), but Democrats believe that your speech should be limited more with a Fairness Doctrine - I know, it just isn't right. The double standards, and the ridiculous expansion of government into our lives, is out of control. But, as our system is currently set up, as much as it pains me to say it, we are not entitled to take matters into our own hands beyond the ballot box, spreading information, and contacting our representatives.
This brings me back to last night's radio program in question. I know that it is nothing short of treason for American Muslims to be training as terrorists in Islamic Jihadist Compounds right here in The States. I know that until Jamaat ul-Fuqra is placed on the State Department's Foreign Terrorist Watch List, the U.S. government cannot legally shut down any of these camps run by Muslims of America. I know that the operators of these facilities are self-professed enemies of America. But we cannot say things along the lines of taking matters into our own hands and going in and shutting down these places ourselves with guns blazing. As much as you would like to do so, saying such a thing is akin to shouting out the word "bomb" on an airplane. It is irresponsible, dangerous, and illegal.
So, instead, join me in spreading the information. Inform people of the dangers that are lurking among us here in these United States, as well as abroad. Purchase, and share, the Homegrown Jihad documentary. Listen to more shows, like Political Pistachio Radio, to learn more about what is going on, and what you can do to be a part of the solution. Together, we can turn this around. United We Stand, Combined We Kick Butt. This is what Americans do.
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