You older folks (time for the aged ones to step up, front and center) out there, do you remember when cars had only one side mirror. The passenger side mirror was a luxury, an add-on. Most roads were only one lane, and the Department of Transportation (an unconstitutional department, by the way, but we'll talk about that another time, boys and girls) hadn't brought down their iron fist yet, demanding all vehicles have two mirrors, one for each side.
I am not complaining. After all, I realize it is safer having that extra mirror, and I firmly believe that without government's intervention, the industry would have come to that same conclusion eventually.
The point, however, is this: Did you notice when the change happened? Do you remember when suddenly all vehicles began to be manufactured with a mirror on both sides?
I don't.
I am sure some astute persons, especially those well learned in the automotive industry, noticed, and remembers.
The rest of us? Well, if you did notice the change, you are a very observant person, indeed.
This sudden appearance of passenger-side view mirrors is a great example of how government, and liberal leftism, works. Changes are made, often using the tagline that it is in your best interest, and it happens. Often, the average person doesn't even notice. Suddenly, one day they are driving down the road and they notice everyone has a passenger-side mirror.
Suddenly, one day, the American citizen will notice that choices have been removed, and liberty is a thing of the past.
Of course those of us that are in tune with politics are noticing, and we are writing and talking about it.
Our task, then, is to spread the word. Let the average American who doesn't seem to notice, or care, know about the changes going on around them - and maybe, just maybe, we will be able to stop the change from liberty to slavery that the Obama Administration is orchestrating stealthily in front of our faces, with the use of smoke and sideview mirrors.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
By Douglas V. Gibbs
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