Saturday, June 20, 2009

Liberalism: The Great Deception

I believe in Americans, not Government.

Day by painful day the Democratic Party is transforming America into something the Founding Fathers had no intention of this nation being. What is interesting about it, however, is if you look closely, the secular Liberal Left's attempt to destroy the nation America has been for well over two hundred years, and their intense attempt to discredit Christianity, is not because they believe that religion should be eliminated for its own sake. They desire the removal of Christianity from the public square, not because they wish to eliminate religion, but because they desire to replace it with their own belief system. Liberalism is trying to be like Christianity, though a warped, deceptive version. The leftists are hoping to replace the followers of Christ as the champions of morality in America. The Deception they use as a tool, however, is actually mirroring the deceptive, tyrannical agenda of control used by Islam and Communism.

Morality, doing the right thing, and common consideration have become vital issues in the world of politics. Christians are being chastised for, and are being falsely accused of, trying to impose Biblical values on America, while the accusers impose their warped definitions of morality on society through radical legislation, dominance of the entertainment industry, and the indoctrination of our children in the U.S. Public School System. The Left constantly accuses Christianity of desiring a theocracy in America, when no such thing has been suggested, initiated, or even referred to by the Christian Community. Yet, their drive to establish secular-humanism as the official religion of America is in full swing.

Meanwhile, the Liberal Left, through the Democratic Party and the Court System, have made it perfectly clear through the kinds of policies being thrust upon the American People that they wish to rule this country with an iron hand, rather than govern it as humbled servants of the people.

If you look carefully at the policies of the Liberal Left, the intentions behind them seem eerily Christian, while the tactics of implementing these actions are obviously tyrannical.

For Example:

Christians Taking Care of the Poor - Christianity has always done what it can to care for the poor, and down-trodden. Christian charities and churches have focused on this need for as long as history can tell, through local missions, local ministries, and international missionary work. Christians do this voluntarily, out of love, and out of the the goodness of their hearts.

Liberals Taking Care of the Poor - The Liberal Left also believes in doing what we can to care for the poor, and down-trodden. However, in addition to charities, the Left believes that we should also be forced to give involuntarily through a progressive tax system specifically designed to redistribute wealth from the successful to the non-successful. Note that a heavy progressive or graduated income tax is the second plank of Marxism/Communism.

Christians Taking Care of the Homeless - One of my Mom's best friends is a part of a ministry that keys in on feeding the homeless. Every weekend they gather in a park and provide meals for the homeless, voluntarily giving their time, money, and labor to this noble cause. The hope is that the homeless will embrace Christ, and with the renewed relationship with God will find a way to work their way out of their situation and rejoin society as a productive member of America.

Liberals Taking Care of the Homeless - Again, the Liberal Left believes that in addition to charitable work, the citizens of America must take care of the homeless through their taxes, creating government programs that the homeless can learn to depend upon, which will give them no incentive to pull themselves out of their forlorn situation.

Christians Protecting Children - The Christian Community has a long history of Church-run ministries designed to protect children. The Church encourages families to remain together, rather than succumb to divorce, and for members of Christianity to adopt children who are in dire need of a good home.

Liberals Protecting Children - Through the use of Child Protection Services the Liberals take children away from families, during which time the parents are guilty until proven innocent, all in the interest of protecting the children. Once the kids wind up in the foster-care system, siblings are often separated, and the liklihood the child will grow up and participate in a life of crime increases. Abuse in the foster system is rampant. Liberalism also supports killing children if the birth of such children inconveniences the family. The opinion that a child is better to die in the womb, than live in a struggling family, is rampant among Liberals. Again, you pay for this against your will through taxation.

Christians Regarding Marriage - Marriage is a Christian Institution that government has no business regulating, or taxing (such as in the form of licenses). The legal end of marriage should be based on decisions by the couples through the legal system, not based on government regulations. Situations, such as family members visiting in the hospital, should include anyone that is close to the patient, including friends. That is just common sense, and their should be no legality about it. For the government to tax and regulate marriage in the first place is wrong, but for government then to try to take it upon itself to change the definition of marriage, as well, could be catastrophic to the foundations of a moral society. Besides, Gays, for example, can marry if they want by having a ceremony at a church that agrees with same sex marriage. As for the government recognition of that marriage, as I stated earlier, government should not be in the marriage business in the first place, much less redefining marriage.

Liberals Regarding Marriage - Tradition means nothing to Liberalism, nor does the importance of an institution to any other group, especially as it pertains to Christianity. Liberalism believes that they should be able to militantly change the meaning of marriage and force this new meaning upon the Christian Community, regardless of whether or not Christians like it. Remember, these are also the same people who believe in abortion, meaning that they place justifying their sexual lifestyles above the lives of babies on a scale of importance. Desiring Marriage, as they do, which is a Christian Institution, tells me they wish to be more like Christianity, while destroying the sanctity of its institutions at the same time.

In the end, the intentions, and the end results, as pertaining to Liberalism, does not match. The ideology is a deception designed to use good intentions to take away liberties, destroy religion, and pursue a secular-humanistic Utopian Society - one that basic human nature would never allow to work as the Liberal Left envisions, and one that would ultimately give rise to a totalitarian government intent on ensuring people follow the will of the government, and lose their individuality and abilities to be personally responsible for their own lives.

The Obama Administration may not be technically tyrannical, yet, but the evidence, when compared to other historical systems similar to what the Democrats are trying to put in place, is that a socialist tyranny is on the horizon.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

By Douglas V. Gibbs

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