Barack Obama has tried to explain to everyone that it is essential that his government-takeover of health insurance, and ultimately the entire health care industry, happens as soon as possible. Without the passage of the health care bill that is currently being debated we are doomed, says Obama.
Why the hurry?
Is Obama's rush to push through his Obamacare because he wishes to get it passed before people begin to notice how horrific government run plans are with stories like the one about the 22-year-old alcoholic in Britain who died after being refused a life-saving liver transplant because he was too ill to leave the hospital, and was unable to prove he could stay sober?
Isn't that an example of controlling behavior by holding life saving surgeries over one's head?
If the Obamacare plan, in which the government becomes the payer of health care in America, is so wonderful, then why are the Democrats trying to disallow the Republicans from calling it "Government-Run Healthcare?" Isn't that what it is?
When I see a duck, I call it a duck, so why can't we call Obamacare "Government-Run Healthcare?" Does the truth hurt? Are the Democrats afraid that if Obama's socialized medicine is called a name that is in accordance to its true nature they won't be able to get it passed? Isn't that being dishonest?
In the beginning Obama's health care plan is designed to not be like the Universal Health Plans of other nations - but it won't take long to become that, and worse.
Do you remember how the Democrats got angry when McCain called them, and Obama, "socialists" during the 2008 presidential campaign? Now that they are in power they are announcing their socialist beliefs freely and proudly. It was even proudly acknowledged on the cover of Newsweek Magazine that we are all socialists now.
To get his health care legislation passed Obama and the Democrats are demonizing doctors, and are trying to convince folks that Obamacare won't cost a thing - while trying to hide the fact that it is a government-run health system that reaks of socialism.
Tactics like the ones the Democrats are now using sounds like desperation to me. When politicians start lying, and demonizing professionals, even more than usual like Obama is beginning to do, it is a high sign that Obama is realizing he is against the clock, and he is becoming desperate to get it passed - before people begin to tap on their calculators and realize the insanity his health care plan truly is.
What the press won't tell you are the details of the rationed health care on the horizon should this atrocious monstrosity come into reality. Even Obama himself has suggested, in order to control costs, euthanasia of the elderly may be necessary - after all, they've lived a long life - what's the loss of a few more years of life? After all, 90% of health care costs are to keep alive old folks on their way out anyway.
Remember what I said about life being cheapened by our willingness to abort our unborn children in a recent article? Could there be a connection? Has human life lost so much value that politicians are willing to kill off the elderly to save a little money?
And after all of the dust settles, of which most of the fight surrounds the astronomical cost of this turkey of a bill, has anyone considered the Constitutional ramifications?
Is it in line with the U.S. Constitution for the federal government to force upon the citizens of the states nationalized health care?
Ultimately, Obamacare, and other pieces of garbage like the Cap and Trade Bill, are about controlling the populace.
Through Cap and Trade your use of energy will be controlled. Through the take over of the auto industry eventually what you drive (or even if we drive) will be determined by government bureaucrats, rather than the tendencies of consumers. And with the health care bill, whether or not you receive treatment, and ultimately whether or not you live or die, will be decided by some faceless bureaucrat in an office somewhere in Washington DC. The decision will be based, as this system evolves, on your value to the common good. If you are less valuable, you will be encouraged to die.
For some reason "Logan's Run" pops into mind.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
By Douglas V. Gibbs
Man, 22, Dies After Liver Transplant Refused - Sky News
GOP Not Allowed to Say 'Government-Run Healthcare' - Human Events, Connie Hair
Newsweek Says We Are All Socialists Now !?!?!? - Yid With Lid
The fear-mongerer-in-chief - Michelle Malkin
Obama: Greedy doctors are coming after your tonsils or something - Hot Air, AllahPundit
Obama: Euthanasia of the elderly may be necessary - Doug Ross @ Journal
Perry raises possibility of states' rights showdown with White House over healthcare - Star-Telegram, Dave Montgomery
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