Walter Cronkite was often called the most trusted newsman in America. Now that he has passed away, I began to wonder if there was a replacement. Is there, now, in today's wide world of news, a name more trusted over all of the others?
Names like Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw, Bill O'Reilly, Larry King, and Charles Gibson are people that come to mind that America may consider. Brian Williams might be an outside shot. My favorite used to be Brit Hume before he stepped down. None of the alphabet network anchors, be them among those listed above, or not, impress me a bit.
In my research, however, the answer to the question was stunning. When I entered the key words "America's Most Trusted Newsman," the name that came up is not even a newsman - or at least he is not to sane people.
According to The Huffington Post, and a myriad of other sites, based on an online poll, the most trusted newsman is . . .
Wait for it . . .
Jon Stewart of the Daily Show.
How many of you slapped your forehead and rolled your eyes?
That's right, the goofy wannabe of Comedy Central topped the poll. The guy is a frickin' idiot. He is a comedian with leftward leanings, and an uncanny ability to say B.S. without tipping his hat that what he is saying is B.S., even though he is out front in telling everyone that everything he says is for entertainment, and has little or no news value whatsoever. I mean, he advertises what he vomits is humor, and a bunch of crap, but people out there actually believe that his broadcasts are somehow newsworthy.
Do people actually tune in to The Daily Show to learn the news of the day?
Heck, I hardly even watch news on television anymore, since it is so biased - and that includes much of the Fox Network too.
I actually had a conversation with a leftist acquaintance recently that told me Steven Colbert was the only conservative he could stomach to watch.
Are some people that stupid? Gosh, I hope that people with that low of a mental capacity does not rank as the majority.
Then again, Obama got elected.
Hoo boy, this is getting scary.
These American citizens, educated by American schools, actually believe the idiocy.
Kids, I know the lunatic public school system ruined you for life, but listen carefully: Colbert is a libtard pretending to be O'Reilly-ish as a joke. Bill O'Reilly isn't even a Conservative, though he is definitely not a far left crazy. And Jon Stewart, your champion of news, is a comedian, and a very liberal one at that. He only got the gig because the other guy, Greg something or other, decided to take a stab at alphabet network late night. Most of what Jon says is idiotic, void of facts, and not meant to be taken seriously. It's a big frickin' joke, and for some reason, you have fallen for it. Take the jar of kool-aid away from your lips, take it back over to the kitchen, and pour it out.
Oh, as an added funny, Brian Williams actually came in second in that poll.
So much for the poll being worth trusting.
Whew, at least the top two weren't one of those major scumbags - Bill Maher, Chris Matthews, or uber-freak Keith Olbermann.
And what a surprise - The number two freakishly liberal website Huffington Post reported this, landing at the top of my Yahoo search when I hit the button. Daily KOS would be the number one freakishly liberal website.
The Daily KOS and The Huffington Post are two of the least trustworthy sites on the Internet. I suppose, then, it would be fitting that those kinds of mental midgets are reporting that Jon Stewart is a king among newsmen.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
By Douglas V. Gibbs
Online Poll: Jon Stewart Is America's Most Trusted Newsman - Huffington Post, Jason Linkins
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