The Car Allowance Rebate Program is a failure, not because people are not trying to take advantage of it, but because Washington can't administer it right.
And they think they can administer Obamacare properly?
New York dealerships have pulled out of the cash for clunkers program, and in Maryland only 2% of claims have been paid, placing dealers in a very difficult situation, being that they are out on a limb for all that money.
After six months of Obama's stimulus package, it is turning out to be a horrific failure as well.
The $787 billion stimulus package, a.k.a. the "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act," has resulted in the U.S. economy losing nearly 2.8 million jobs, pushing the unemployment rate up to 9.4% - the real unemployment rate being nearly double that if you use the U-6 rating. Fifteen states have double digit unemployment.
57% of Americans recently told Gallup that the stimulus package is either having no impact on the economy or making it worse.
Meanwhile, as he pulls troops out of Iraq, the violence increases - and in the war in Afghanistan (where's Cindy Sheehan now? Suddenly war is okay to these people?) where an increase in troop levels is foolish considering the nature of Afghanistan, the Taliban is threatening to cut off the fingers of voters with purple on the tips which signifies they voted.
And yet the biased media is silent.
If the president was a member of the GOP, they would be accusing him of incompetence, and calling for his head.
Obama walks on the head of the voters, thinking he is walking on water, and the mainstream media just grins and agrees.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
NY dealers pull out of clunkers program - Breitbart, Dan Strumpf
Morning Bell: A Clunker of a Stimulus - The Heritage Foundation
Broader Unemployment Rate Hit 16.5% in June - Wall Street Journal
Peter Schiff: Rising Stocks Not A Sign of Recovery - Digital Journal, Andrew Moran
Iraq Carnage Shows Sectarian War Goes On - Washington Post
The Taliban Threatens to Cut Off "Any Ink-Stained Fingers" After Afghanistan Election - Freedom's Lighthouse
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