Government has a history of trying to force parents to raise their kids as the government desires, rather than what the parent thinks is best. Government indoctrinates the children in the public school system, proposes legislation to ban disciplinary methods (such as AB 2943 which would have imposed a spanking ban that would have jailed good parents for using proven disciplinary methods), and tries to pass legislation and make treaties with the United Nations, that will hijack your parental rights.
A year ago H.R. 2343 (Education Begins At Home Act) was proposed to help evaluate developmental problems in children. Seems benevolent enough, right? Yeah, until you realize the bill would allow the government to disallow a parent's ability to decline evaluations, drugs or treatment for their children once the government, through the program, diagnosed children with developmental or medical conditions. It also allowed government home visits for monitoring purposes.
Last year's H.R. 3289 (The Pre-K Act) would provide funds for state-approved pre-school. Voluntary government funded pre-school, like Head Start already exists, but the Pre-K Act would institute curriculum that deals with issues that have nothing to do with academic development (gender issues, environmentalism, multiculturalism, feminism). The concern was that the programs would become mandatory as Hillary Clinton was recommending at the time with her "it takes a village to raise a child" statement.
Red Flags especially went up when the Democrats began to court the United Nations Convention on the Rights of a Child, which could not only destroy American sovereignty by imposing international rulings on American Law, but would allow international organizations the authority to override parental decisions by applying even to good parents a standard now only used against parents convicted of abuse or neglect.
Each of these were met with anger by the American People because not only do parents believe that the government does not know better then them when it comes to how to raise their children, but the fear was that with so much government intrusion in parenting we would begin to see cases similar to what we see in other countries, like when in Canada a court overturned a father's grounding of his 12-year old child, deeming it unfair to the child.
Unable to satisfy the American People with legislation and treaties that would erode parental rights, the Democrats have decided to sneak such an insidious attack on parental rights inside the government health care bill, H.R. 3200.
On page 838 of the Obamacare monstrosity, it reads: "Home visitation programs for families with young children and families expecting children"
As I have already explained, the Democrats have been trying to come into homes and usurp parental rights for quite a while - under the guise of ensuring proper child development.
Essentially, if passed, the Obama Health Care bill would allow the government to come into your home to tell you how to raise your children, using their idiotic ideas regarding child behavior and parenting skills.
Specifically, the bill says, "well-trained and competent staff," would "provide parents with knowledge of age-appropriate child development in cognitive, language, social, emotional, and motor domains ... modeling, consulting, and coaching on parenting practices," and "skills to interact with their child to enhance age-appropriate development."
You know, like loading kids up with Ritalin because by their behavior they must be having difficulty with keeping their attention - when in reality the kids are simply being kids!
I have extensive formal education in this matter, as well as helping my wife earn her degrees in Child Development, and Psychology. This is nothing new. As with everything else with the liberal left, they have determined that theories are fact, and that individuals can be squeezed into a one-size-fits-all meat grinder so that we can all be treated the same with wonderful, well intentioned, leftist conclusions. Or at least that is what it says on paper.
How dare they, under the guise of "what's best for us", determine they can stomp all over our rights as parents. They do not know what is best for my children. I do. The government's, and psychology's, influence in our public school system has ruined the schools, and our children. As a parent I spent a lot of time deprogramming my kids from the loads of crap the schools were teaching them. These people can't even run their own lives right, and they think they can tell me how to raise my kids?
That is not even mentioning the destruction of liberty, here. How are we a free nation when the government is telling us how to raise our kids?
Every child is different, and every family situation is unique. For many families, their religious convictions play a large part in the raising of their child, as well as their life experiences that prepared them for their roles as parents.
The point of this by the Democrats, however, is to eliminate that individualism. To the Left, personal responsibility is something to be frowned upon, ridiculed, and eliminated. Remember, these are the same people who are directly influenced by a worldview that takes much of its marching orders from Marxist-style ideals. It is an attempt to destroy the family, and nullify individualism. One-size-fits-all, and the all-powerful government desires to become the arbiter of everything.
Proponents of the bill are claiming the program will be voluntary.
Bull Crap.
They will find any way they can to snake their way in, especially if you dare to be one of those Christians who is willing to spank your kids. Remember, celebrated atheist idiots like Richard Dawkins claims that teaching children about the Christian Faith, and the existence of Hades, is child abuse. The moment the government believes a parent is daring to teach their children something the government doesn't approve of, like the Christian Faith, they won't hesitate to pay a visit to the offending family and set them straight (a.k.a. re-education programs).
After all, the bill points to specific targeted groups and problems, like on Page 840: The state "shall identify and prioritize serving communities that are in high need of such services, especially communities with a high proportion of low-income families."
So the lower the income the less the folks know about parenting? Is that the government conclusion? Suddenly elitists like them are better parents because they have a big bank account?
This is one of the reasons the politicians are not reading the bill, and why they are trying to push it through fast. The Left wants this thing approved before you realize the fascist, freedom-killing provisions the government will receive once it is passed. H.R. 3200 spells the end of America as we know it, should it pass. The Democrats know this. Changing the American Form of Government into something that disallows liberty is exactly what they had in mind when Obama based his campaign on "Change."
Be involved. Continue to storm the Townhall Meetings, continue to be a part of the Tea Party events, make a statement on 9/12 in Washington.
United We Stand, Combined We Kick Butt!
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
By Douglas V. Gibbs
Obama's Thugs to Visit Your Home to Check on How You're Raising Your Kids - Atlas Shrugs, Pamela Geller
Lawmakers To Consider Spanking Ban - WCVB TV ABC 5, The Boston Channel
U.S. government: We know parenting better than you - World Net Daily, Chelsea Schilling
Proposed California ’spanking’ ban would intrude on parental rights - Alliance Alert/CNS News
United Nations Could Dictate American Parental Rights - Political Pistachio, Douglas V. Gibbs
Court overturns father's grounding of 12-year-old - AFP
Christian attorney sees threat to parental rights - Associated Press
'Parental rights' - Congress in a race against the U.N. - One News Now
United Nations' threat: No more parental rights - World Net Daily, Chelsea Schilling
Boxer Seeks to Ratify U.N. Treaty That May Erode U.S. Rights - Fox News, Joseph Abrams
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