Thursday, October 01, 2009

Afghanistan: The Politically Convenient War

By Douglas V. Gibbs

When Obama was campaigning he constantly demonized George W. Bush, and the Republicans, for the war in Iraq. In order to not sound like he was not willing to protect America in the War on Terror, he proclaimed that Iraq was the wrong war, and Afghanistan was the right war.

If Afghanistan is the right war, then why the sidestepping going on now as the generals ask for more troops? Why does Obama have to think about the request, while conveniently forgetting that one of his major criticisms of Bush was that Bush didn't "listen to his generals?"

He's not a Commander in Chief, and with his weak leadership, I am surprised the death toll of our troops isn't higher.

Remember, Obama's comprehensive new strategy doesn't include the word "victory." He doesn't want to offend any members of the enemy factions.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

43 U.S. Troops Have Died in Afghanistan Since Gen. McChrystal Called for Reinforcements - CNSNews, Susan Jones

Obama Says Victory Is Not The Goal - Political Pistachio, Douglas V. Gibbs

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