The Health Care Bill(s), despite being unpopular with the American People, and being fought against by both the Republican Party, and a number of Democrats, is moving forward with a big smile on Pelosi's face, and cheers from Obama. Despite accusations that the proposed legislation is unconstitutional, and despite the evidence that the legislation will place America deeper in debt, destroy the private industry, and cannot be passed through traditional means, the Democrats are full-speed ahead.
The House bill that the leftists are applauding is an $894 billion (but will really cost trillions) "public option" proposal that will ultimately result in health care being taken over by government, a rationing of care to those considered to be in preferred groups by bureaucrats, a rise in taxes across the board, a deepening of the national debt, and a liberty killer that will be the first step in this nation heading headlong into a socialist tailspin that we will not be able to pull out of for generations - if ever.
The plan proposed by the House will also raise taxes by hundreds of billions of dollars, cut Medicare by hundreds of billions, and generate deficits that will make the current spending spree look like a walk in the park. And all of this damage because the Democrats proclaim that millions are uninsured.
90% of Americans are insured, and are happy with their insurance. So the Democrats want to completely destroy our system for a minority of people with a plan that will ultimately ruin the health care system for everyone?
Watered-down, below average health care rationed out to those that the government determines to be most deserving is what is coming if this monstrosity of a health care bill passes. According to Rasmussen Reports, most people believe government intrusion into the health care industry will result in higher costs of care, and that the quality of care will worsen.
But the Democrats don't care. They will have their health care plan in place, whether you like it or not. Their greed for ultimate power demands it.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Democrats' Unhealthy Reform Plans - Real Clear Politics
Health Care Reform - Rasmussen Reports
House Health Care Bill Threatens Patient Care - CEI, Christine Hall
The House Health Care Bill: The Mandates - The Heritage Foundation
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