Remember what the little girl said in that poltergeist movie? "They're Heeeeeeere." Violent shootouts with radical Islamic groups is happening right here in the United States. And as the Muslim population grows, the violent episodes will increase in size, and frequency.
Dearborn, Michigan has become one of the early Islamic strongholds here in the United States. Muslims would love to see an Islamization of America that rivals what is happening in Europe. Remember, the goals are simple - destroy all who oppose Islam, and set up a worldwide caliphate (global domination).
In countries where the Muslim population is rising rapidly, such as in Britain, France, and Germany, the population growth brings with it increased crime and violence. France, in particular, seems unconcerned as the Muslim population increase within the French borders. The Muslim population in that country is rising so fast that France is at risk of losing its European identity. As the rapidly increasing Muslim population commits more and more violent acts, because they are beginning to believe they can impose the will of Islam on the French people because of their sheer numbers, Islam is beginning to transform the European nation into a Muslim nation being ruled under sharia law. France's Islamic population is currently fast approaching five million, and when the percentage of Muslims in that nation reaches over 50%, she will be lost, and all of those "peaceful" Muslims will be in the streets demanding Islamic rule.
Roughly 2 and a half million Muslims live in the United States, and many of those are American converts. The percentage, in comparison to the total population, is less than one percent, and has not been a concern to many people. Islam knows this, and is using the complacency of Americans against the United States, demanding concessions, and operating anti-American organizations under the radar. In areas like Deerborn, Michigan, where the percentage of Muslims in comparison to the rest of the population is much higher, however, the Muslims are bolder, and are willing to push the limits.
When emboldened by sheer numbers, the willingness to begin preparation for a Jihad in America through illegal activities is rising. The liberal attitudes of "live and let live" in regards to the Muslim populations further emboldens these people to increase their activities, and plot for the fall of America.
Federal authorities arrested a number of Islamists in Deerborn, Michigan, killing one of the leaders in what turned out to be a shootout, yesterday. The Muslim leader that was killed was Luqman Ameen Abdullah (also known as Christopher Thomas), who advocated, and encouraged his followers to commit violent acts against the United States. He was a leader of a radical group who advertised that their primary mission is to establish an Islamic state within the United States. He told his followers it was his duty to oppose the FBI, and the American government, and that death did not matter. His violent actions against American authorities ultimately resulted in his death - an event that will likely become a rallying cry, and place Abdullah among the list of early martyrs in the Islamic attempt to convert America.
One of the arguments against Obama wishing to close Guantanamo Bay was where to put the prisoners. One of the suggestions by Democrats has been in American prisons. The opposition to Obama's plans proclaimed that the prisons would hasten the increase of the numbers of Muslim converts, and the left dismissed such an opinion as foolish. Yet, Abdullah's followers consisted of a number of individuals that converted to Islam while in prison. It is in the prisons, and the neighborhoods where Islam's number is high, that people are being taught anti-American rhetoric. The writing is on the wall. The number of Muslims in America willing to fight for the collapse of America is rising, and our future is being played out in a number of European nations like France. President Obama, in his naivete, wishes to hasten the Islamization of America, by integrating hardened, Islamic terrorists from Guantanamo Bay into our prisons - a growing breeding ground for anti-American Islamic Jihadists.
What is even more alarming is this particular group, as explained by Jimmy Jones of Manhattanville College, ". . . is very much American born and bred." In other words, the Jihad is not coming to America - it is already here, and it is being born and bred within our borders.
The immediate leftist response will be for us to be more tolerant, and to give concessions to these Jihadists. My willingness to condemn the violence by the rising Muslim population in America, in the eyes of the left, makes me insensitive, and discriminatory.
Meanwhile, the very same leftists cheer when Christians are targeted by atheist hate-groups, and an anti-Christian sentiment in a misplaced attempt by people and businesses to be "politically correct," such as in the case of the Florida Home Depot employee who was fired for refusing to remove a button on his apron that says "One nation under God."
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Feds: Leader of radical Islam group killed in raid - Yahoo News, Associated Press
Mapping the Global Muslim Population - Pew Forum Research
How France Has Fallen; Muslim immigration has overwhelmed permissive French institutions - Limits to Growth dot org
Fla. man says Home Depot fired him over God button - Yahoo News, Associated Press
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