I entered the entrance of the car shop with my Glenn Beck book, "Arguing With Idiots," under my left arm. To my left, with her eyes fixated on the cover of the book, was a woman wearing a shirt with an image of Barack Obama and Martin Luther King on it. She brought her eyes up to gaze into mine, and transmitted a look of disgust. She promptly, then, got up and left the room, not returning until after I departed.
My first thought was that my Glenn Beck book to liberals must be like garlic is to vampires. Maybe I should attend a Democrat Party rally with a Glenn Beck book in one hand, and a Rush Limbaugh book in the other, holding them out in front of me, watching the zombies run for cover with fear in their eyes, and retreat in the voices.
If only we could be so fortunate.
What struck me to be the most interesting part of my encounter with the liberal in the car shop was not the fact that she recoiled when faced with the cover of a book by a well known conservative (talk about tolerance), but that her shirt had images of both Barack Obama and Martin Luther King on it.
It seemed strange to me because the two men are diametrically opposed to each other in both political, and religious, beliefs.
Barack Obama is no Martin Luther King.
Martin Luther King taught about the love of Christ, and the truth of the Holy Bible. Barack Obama attended a church that taught hate of America and whites. Barack Obama made jokes about the Bible in speeches, and told the world this is no longer a Christian nation.
Barack Obama voted three times against protecting born alive victims of abortion. These babies were left to die in dirty laundry closets at Christ Hospital in Chicago. Obama voted against doctors doing something on the behalf of these botched abortions. Obama voted for the death penalty of these struggling infants in desperate need of assistance. The innocent babies, who were originally doomed to die by the hand of abortionists, fighting for their fragile little lives, lying there naked, helpless, and in extreme pain, received no assistance, no doctor's aid, and no mother's care. Barack Obama's response, after given the facts regarding the brutal, calloused acts of man's inhumanity to babies, voted to allow this heinous, barbaric behavior to continue.
In Martin Luther King's Letter From a Birmingham Jail, he wrote of the early Christians: "By their effort and example they brought an end to such ancient evils as infanticide."
What King was speaking of was the Roman law, during the decline of the empire, that allowed citizens to leave their child by the side of the road to die if the parents didn't like the color of their eyes, the texture of their hair, or the complexion of their skin. The law also stated that anyone touching the child to give aid would be put to death. The newborn child was to be left to die without any aid, just as the survivors of botched abortions are. Under the threat of death, the early Christians scooped the children up and raised them as their own. Martin Luther King called the practice of leaving children on the side of the road evil.
Barack Obama has defended such actions, and his wife has campaigned for partial birth abortion. More than three quarters of Americans call partial birth abortion evil, and I have no doubt that Martin Luther King would too. Between partial birth abortions, and infanticide, no evil seems to be greater.
Obama does not deserve to be on the same shirt as Martin Luther King. In fact, Obama's name should not even be uttered in the same sentence as Martin Luther King's.
Obama is no Martin Luther King.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
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