Record breaking snow falls in the early days of Winter are striking the plains states, and the Midwest.
Slippery roads are being blamed for at least 21 deaths this week. Massive snow drifts and blustery winds are causing whiteout conditions, and the residents of the affected areas were hardly prepared for the cold weather, or the significant amount of snow that they've received.
The storm has grounded flights at South Dakota's biggest airports, as well as at the Will Rogers World Airport in Oklahoma City.
The 14 inches of snow in Oklahoma City broke a record of 2.5 inches set back in 1914. Duluth also has experienced unexpected amounts of snowfall, reporting more than 22 inches in two days, shattering the record of 3 inches in 1893. In Nebraska, a total of 7.8 inches of Christmas Day snow fell at the Central Nebraska Regional Airport in Grand Island. The previous record for Christmas Day snowfall was 3.0 inches in 1941, making 2009 the "'snowiest' Christmas on record for Grand Island."
Once again, as predicted by those that have been saying that man-made global warming is a hoax, and that the warming trend stopped a decade ago, we are now experiencing a cooling trend.
I wonder how long before the old hippies from the 70s reappear, proclaiming that we are headed for the next Ice Age, and it is all humanity's fault!
I do believe the Earth warms and cools, but the trends are natural, and humanity couldn't affect the weather, as idiots like Al Gore proclaims, if we wanted to. Sunspot activity, and solar flares, are a primary reason for Climate Change. The push to control carbon emissions has nothing to do with the weather, and everything to do with pushing a progressive agenda worldwide, and controlling the energy usage of industries and populations. By controlling energy use, all other aspects of economies are controlled. After all, energy directly affects a nation's production of goods, manufacturing, transportation of goods and services, and other industries.
To say it plainly, those of you that have been deceived by the environmental radicals are being fooled. The leftist agenda to give global control to a handful of elites is in full swing, and the foolish sheep of the left have been greeting the slavery with open arms.
What we are experiencing is a corruption of the scientific community, for the sake of a political agenda.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Plains blizzard warnings continue, Midwest digs out - USA Today
Holiday Blizzard Breaks Records in GI, Hastings - 1011 Now
Corruption of the science establishment: causes and cures - Renew America
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