Saturday, January 02, 2010

President Obama's Military Failure

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Along the roadway a bumper sticker caught my attention. It read: "I was wrong, Obama IS worse than Carter." Such sentiment is growing as Barack Obama is quickly becoming a failed president.

For much of George W. Bush's eight years the left demonized him as the worst president in history. They did so to the point that even non-liberals began to say the same, parroting what they heard on the biased news media. And perhaps George W. Bush fell short on many accounts, but one of them was not as Commander in Chief.

Barack Obama's weak defense policies, and wishy-washy language in regards to the war against the Islamic Jihad, is literally emboldening the enemy as the members of the U.S. military are being hung out to dry, and the American People no longer feel safe.

Obama's counterpart in Britain, Prime Minister Gordon Brown, is experiencing the same treatment by the military that Obama seems to be receiving. The British leader last month was literally snubbed by badly injured Afghan veterans when they closed curtains round their beds during a hospital visit by Brown, refusing to speak to him. The troops were actually deliberately avoiding the prime minister, describing his visit to the hospital where these soldiers were patients as being "opportunistic" and a "waste of time".

Military leaders in the U.S. are questioning Obama's ability to lead, and are considering his motives to be more tied to a political agenda, rather than protecting the United States. The military has been critical of Obama's long awaited decision regarding adding troops to Afghanistan, and in fact Stand Up America's, General McInerney and Major General Paul Vallely argue that Obama and his advisers fail to acknowledge that "we are in a Global War Against Radical Islam."

Barack Obama, in fact, not only does not recognize that we are in a Global War Against Radical Islam, but he desires to treat the enemy combatants as common criminals, evidenced by Obama's desire to give enemy combatants "Miranda Warnings". His actions are quite literally blurring the lines between the military and police, leaving one to wonder if he, and the Congressional Democrats, are considering blurring that same line stateside as well - using military force to police the streets of America.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Gordon Brown snubbed by soldiers' 'curtain' protest - Times Online U.K.

Obama, Prime Minister Brown slammed by military leaders in US, UK - Law Enforcement Examiner

Obama blurs line between military and police - Law Enforcement Examiner

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